
In just about every culture, you will read myth and legend about snake or serpent. The all vary by location, type of snake, and what it means. However, the one element that remains true in all the stories is power. The snake is a very powerful animal. He can make grown men run, and children cry just by his presence. He can climb trees,but has no legs. He can eat small animals, but doesn't have to chew. He can fertilze the soil for rich garden production. If you are near, he can also cause a slow painful death, or a quick merciful one. When wrapped around the Tree of Knowledge, he represents satan;the Tree of Life, Christ. Those with Snake Medicine are very pwerful people with many innate abilities. The responsibility of how to use that power and authority belong souly to them. Power itself is neither "good" nor "bad", it is what we make of it that it becomes. This is the Medicine of Snake. Wise and thoughtful use of Power.

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