Welcome to my den... This is just merely a place for my ring. If you are a proud webmaster of an animal page, Wether it be Tigers, Lions, or even something small and domesticated like cats and dogs. Please, Feel free to join my ring.
For those who are ring members and need to edit there site info... |
I have supplied a forum for all people who might have questions about animals of any kind. But also feel free to stop by to see if you could answer some questions as well.
Now the first step is to fill out this form. After you send it, There will be a link on the page you are sent to... to bring you back here for further instructions.
Ok, Still with me here? *grins* Make sure you have your ring id and password written down somewhere. Just for safekeeping. You need to get the HTML Fragment, Click here. And they do say bandwidth stealing is bad. Make sure you right click the two pictures below and save them to upload them to your homepage server.
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After you have posted the HTML Fragment to your page, It should look something like this above. Don't Forget... Put in your ID#, your name, and e-mail into the code.
Now... The next step is to e-mail me letting me know you have submitted your site to the queue. E-mail me by clicking here. If you don't e-mail me... Chances are you might not get added or it will take longer for your site to be added.
Now as we all hate... If ANY problems should arise from this. You know what to do. E-mail me by clicking here. I will also listen to suggestions as well. *grins* Don't worry, I don't bite. :)
White Tiger's Den homepage was created on 12/27/98 White Tiger's Den homepage was last updated on 01/18/98 Counter Posted 12/27/98 FastCounter by LinkExchange |
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