Several years ago when my son was attending a daycare centre the class wrote their Christmas lists for Santa. Their lists and names were published in the local newspaper. My ever thoughtful son included me on his list.
   "My Dad wants Dirty and Rusty Stuff like Oil. He also wants a new truck."
---He really hit the nail on the head,---so lets look at some--

Dirty Rusty Oily Stuff 

One wall in my Office

       My Friends --they don't say much but they sure are good listeners!!!!

     Dirty (Charles)                    Oily (Roy)                                     Rusty (Russ)
         Teens, 20's &30's  (Charles)                                1939-1952  (Roy)                           1953-1967  (Russ)

   -embroidered "ENARCO"script cap patch      -round logo pin-back cap badge          -wedge logo pin-back cap badge
   -Boy and Slate jacket patch                            -round logo jacket patch                      -wedge logo jacket patch
        (embroidered)                                               (embroidered)                                        (embroidered)
   -leather bow-tie                                              -leather bow-tie                                   -modern neck-tie
   -breeches and leather leggings                         -old (1939-1952)logo advertising        -new( for 1953) White Rose tins        
   -1939 ENARCO poster                                  the new "1953 GASOLINE"
 -1952 would be the last year for the
                                                                           Boy & Slate and the White Rose
                                                                          ' round ' logos.


 The only one I've ever seen

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