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The history of the Public Health Undergraduate Education at Airlangga University is not separated from the history of:
(1) the Public Health Department at the Faculty of Medicine at Airlangga University,
(2) the Graduate (S-2) Study of Public Health at Airlangga University, and
(3) the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program Faculty of Medicine Airlangga University itself.

The Public Health Undergraduate Study (S-1 Program) at Airlangga University started with the S-1 Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine Airlangga University, which was established in 1984, based on the Letter of Statement of the Directorate General of Higher Education Ministry of Education and Culture the Republic of Indonesia No. 117/DIKTI/KEP/1984 dated 24 September 1984. The approval of this study program was under one condition, i.e. the program had to start from the first semester, therefore it had to accept High School graduates.

Based on the Letter of Statement of the Airlangga University's Rector, the Public Health S1 Study Program at the Faculty of Medicine was at first had Prof. Sabdoadi, MD, MPH, as its Chairman, and from October 1991 the chairman position was held by Prof. Soeprapto As, MD, DPH.

In the year of its establishment in 1984, the study program accepted merely students who held 3 year education programs at academies and had already worked for several years (S-0 Program). At that time, only alumni/alumnae of three academies under the Department of Health, i.e. School of Nutrition, School of Nurse, and School of Health Inspector could be accepted. Now Faculty of Public Health Airlangga University also accepts alumni/alumnae of the 3 year higher education program (D-3) of Occupational Health. Those students have to take courses within 4 semesters (2 years) to graduate from the Faculty of Public Health.

In 1985, the Public Health Undergraduate Study Program (S-1 Program) of the Faculty of Medicine Airlangga University began accepting students who were high school graduates. They are selected through an exam called the "UMPTN" (Public Universities Enrollment Exam). Besides, the Faculty still accepts S-1 students from S-0 (academy), who are selected through a special enrollment exam. This is a collaboration of five Faculties of Public Health in Indonesia, i.e. Faculty of Public Health at University of North Sumatra (FKM USU), Faculty of Public Health at University of Indonesia (FKM UI), Faculty of Public Health at Diponegoro University (FKM UNDIP), Faculty of Public Health at Airlangga University (FKM UNAIR), and Faculty of Public Health at Hasanuddin University (FKM UNHAS).

Then started from 21st October 1993, the Faculty of Public Health Airlangga University was officially established following the Letter of Statement issued by the Minister of Education and Culture the Republic of Indonesia No. 0372/0/1993 dated 21st October 1993 jo. No. 70539/A6.1/U/1993 regarding the Establishment of the Faculty of Public Health and the Faculty of Psychology Airlangga University.

The curriculum used has also been changed several times. At first the Malino National Curriculum was used, and then there were national revisions in Denpasar in 1989, Cisarua in 1992, and the last in Ciloto in 1995. At the moment, the curriculum of the local content has been under fixation.

Since it was a Study Program up to now, the Faculty of Public Health has 612 graduates who are entitled to the "Sarjana Kesehatan Masyarakat (SKM)". Of this amount, 52.7 percent was those who were from S-0 (academy).

At the moment the Faculty of Public Health Airlangga University has 7 departments, i.e. Department of Epidemiology, Department of Biostatistics and Demography, Department of Public Health Administration, Department of Health Education and Behavioral Sciences, Department of Environmental Health, Department of Occupational Health, and Department of Public Health Nutrition.

Especially for the Safety & Occupational Health - D3 Study Program:
Initially, the study program was developed under the Non Degree Faculty of Health until the faculty transfered to the Faculty of Medicine. By the Letter of Statement of the Airlangga University Rector in 1993, the study program finally transfered to the Faculty of Public Health.


a. Vision:

To create academic and professional human resources with the character of honest, religious, critical, innovative, who have the national personalities, hold the truth and scientific freedom, and are able to view future needs.

b. Mission:

To create graduates who are able to find jobs and have a balance vision of Science and Technology and the belief in God, able to increase Human Resources and Human Environment potentials, and able to pioneer health development activities.

c. Educational Objectives:

To create graduates who have the qualifications as follows:

  1. Have the spirit of "Pancasila" and high national integrity.
  2. Master the basic scientific and professional matters in order to be able to think, behave, and act as scientists and professional people.
  3. Be able to apply science and technology of Public Health in the activities of service to the community.
  4. Master the basic science and knowledge as well as the methodology of Public Health Study in order to be able to invent, understand, describe, and find the formula of how to solve public health problems in Indonesia, through the preventive and promotive activities of planning, implementation, and evaluation programs, yet considering curative and rehabilitative programs.
  5. Be able to manage health care professionally in line with the situation and condition exist, by making use of the human resources in order to increase the public health.

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