What causes mental flashbacks?
Why there is so much crime in America and elsewhere?
What is the main cause of alcohol, drugs, and unregulated sex addictions? Simple
answer: To be able to “flush” our conscious mind from unwanted thoughts.
What causes dependency and co-dependencies?
Are we stuck with the “jinx” because what we learn we cannot unlearn?
Was eating of the tree of knowledge the original sin? We ate of the tree of knowledge so much fruit and now we cannot delete
from our mind all those extra files that seem to bother us so much and guilt is too heavy to bear with. There are no apples
on the Bible.
Are we suffering from intellectual gluttony?
Were humans happier as troglodytes?
The same happens with how to live.
We were told by our elders to trust their teachings. We were told not to think
on our own because they knew better. If we dared to think differently we were rebuked like criminals. Then they died
and left us alone in a most complex world and now what? We even were told not to trust our instincts.
Very conveniently for them, but it happens now that our instincts are the only
true thing we have left connected to God’s creational evolution.
We just respect the teachings of our elders.
We do not dare to think differently.
They were right.
We don’t know what to do with our life.
We are still children in adulthood.
The most we can do now is to learn new ways to do the same things.
But please don’t panic yet!
Continued education is a modern requirement in almost all professions and trades.
In reality they (our elders) were also victims of other victims (their own elders) of the old times. The only way we can think
properly now is by flushing our conscious mind regularly. Something most “normal” people do unconsciously, day
by day for as long as they live. I am just a little bit different and must activate what I learn by brute force now.
I call the conscious the Front Line Memory System or RAM-Brain Module.
RAM means Random Access memory.
But how can we flush our conscious in order to think better or at least, in order
to “hear” those “answers” we constantly ask for and we seldom get and not to hear those flashbacks
from past thoughts or memories that drive us crazy at times?
The conscious flushes dynamically by forced violent rides in those attractions
entertainment parks or with rest and sleep, or if we can’t sleep because we are too wind up, with the favorite American
culture self-medications with alcohol, drugs, or unregulated sex.
(Oceanic Displacements Of The Mind)
This book is about mental congestion in creative people, when the conscious stops
responding to our every day questions and requests for consultancy.
This is the main cause of addiction and so much suffering globally.
Guilt also loves to play games as a resident program and triggers as flashbacks.
Learning to flush the ram-brain allows us to think again like the genius babies
we all are.
How Can A Music Composer Retain So Many Songs In Memory
Just Thinks In The Title And The Mind Brings In The Complete Learned Files)
Ram then is flushed by the dynamical push of “new”
thought processes if it is not full.
If mental ram get full then it simply “crashes”
like a computer… punto.
A mental breakdown is nothing else than a ram-brain full of
Flush it and recover… enjoy. How? Please continue reading
until satisfied.
How many things can we think (properly process) about at the same time?
How many different harmony lines or “voices” can we hear at the same
We hear them all but can only think about 4 lines or voices at the same time
getting all confused not only about the topic but also around him/her/it.
Can We All Use The Same Principles At Work and at Home?
How We Can Make Better Use Of Our Memory Systems