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The element Air
Incense picture made for me by my wonderful hubby Chai!:)

The element Air is located at the compass point East. It is often represented by burning incense but also may be represented by a fan or other such objects. Air is power of movement; freshening and of intelligence. Not readily visible it is a combination of gases that we breathe in order to sustain life. It is the power of the mind, the force of intellect.

Basic Nature: Flying, moving, fresh, intelligence, suspending.

Type of  Energy: Projective, male

Colors: Sky blues, lavender, soft pastels of blues

Places: Mountain tops, open plains where high winds sweep, airports, libraries, treetops, high places.

Rituals: Traveling, instruction, study, freedom, knowledge, positive thinking

Herbs: Fragrant as in most flowers, culinary herbs, dill, thyme, sage, leaves.

Stones: Light stones like, pumice, or transparent stones like mica, or crystals

Metals: Tin, nickel, aluminum

Creatures: Spiders, birds, winged insects, dragons

Season: Spring, Spring Equinox

Direction: East

Time: Dawn

Magickal Tools: Sword, Censor

Time of Life: Infancy

Astrological Signs: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius

Sense: Hearing and smell

Natural Symbols: Feathers, fragrant flowers, clouds, whirling vortexes, things in motion

Spheres of magickal influence: Divination, concentration, visualization, wind magic, movement, life, ego, thinking

Tarot: Swords

Mode: Intellect and illusion

Astral: To Dare

Key Concepts: Mind expansion, expansion and celebration

Metaphysical: Time

Hermetic: Development of full consciousness

Alchemical: Azoth

Meditation: Concentration

Magickal: Discernment which banishes error

Physical: Gaseous



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this site was created by Christina.

This site is dedicated to my husband Chai, my beautiful baby Xoe, and The Goddess Blend Forum and it’s coordinators! Triah, Lady Chandra, Tracu, and Barb! I love you guys!


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