Welcome to the Witches Web!
The element Earth
Our beautiful Mother!

Earth is located at the compass point North. It is often represented by crystals, stones, shells, salt, or a bowl of earth (dirt). The Earth, is our mother. In its soil and dry sand it is nurturing and fertile. In its physical such as stones, gems, and mountains, it is the most dense of the elements lending strength, stability and firmness. Earth allows us to grow crops, build shelters and we even bury our deceased in the Earth.

Basic Nature: Fertile, moist, nurturing, stabilizing, grounding, material world of physical objects.

Type of Energy: Receptive, feminine

Colors: Greens, browns, earth tones, metallic colors like silver, copper, etc.

Places: Caves, canyons, forests, groves, fields, farms, meadows, gardens, kitchens, mines, holes, arboretums.

Rituals: Money, prosperity, protection, security, stability, grounding, employment, material objects.

Herbs: Earth smelling plants, like patchouli, mosses, nuts, roots.

Stones:  Coals, dense stones

Metals: Iron, lead, gold, copper

Creatures: Dog, horse, earthworms, gopher, ant, cow, bull, burrowing animals

Season: Winter, Winter solstice

Direction: North

Time: Night

Magickal Symbol: Pentacle

Time of Life: Advanced age

Astrological Signs: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn

Sense: Touch Natural

Symbols: Clay, dish of fresh soil, rocks, acorns, wheat

Spheres of magickal influence: Gardening, imagery, magnetic, drawing or pulling, stone, tree, knots, binding

Tarot: Discs or Pentacles

Mode: Endurance, rule, establishment

Astral: To keep silent

Key Concepts: Body sustaining, memory, remembering

Metaphysical: Inertia

Hermetic: Steadiness in realization

Alchemical: Salt

Meditation: Purification

Magickal: Support with magickal symbols

Physical: Solid



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this site was created by Christina.

This site is dedicated to my husband Chai, my beautiful baby Xoe, and The Goddess Blend Forum and it’s coordinators! Triah, Lady Chandra, Tracu, and Barb! I love you guys!


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