
Asatru means belief/faith/being true to the gods. Asa is the plural of As = god/ Asa = gods, and is an official religion in Iceland. The Aesir are sky Gods whose major names include Odin, Frigga, Thor, Tyr, Balder. Also worshipped are the Vanir (Earth Gods) such as Frey and Freya. Asatru draws upon the old Norse and Anglo-Saxon mythology. It is a way of life which embraces values of loyalty, honour, courage and good comradeship. Followers of Asatru celebrate seasonal festivals and tend to be involved in environmental issues.
For further information go to: Stourdale Asatru Hof or Reginleiffelagidh or Asatru on the WWW and subscribe to the Newsgroup alt.religion.asatru Books available on-line: Raven Online. Includes "Ravenbok", an excellent online book on the gods and practices. Ring of Troth. Among other things, includes "Our Troth", an online book on the gods and practices.

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