Wonderland Public Library

I've decided that having fanfic on my computer where only I can see
it does no one any good, especially me.  Why write it if there is no 
one to read it?  If a fanfic-er writes a story in the woods and a 
tree falls, does anyone hear the fanfic-er get squished?  Probably 

I've started writing in the Sparkly/Pop Slash fandom, which is,
well, I'm not sure what to think.  I'm adding the links to the
stories that I have on my live journal.  It's a lot easier than
dicking around with the stupid formatting on tripod.  Fucking tripod.


To Hear The Sea Maid's Music
The sea contains more than just salt, it contains the broken hearted and the broken.

Stargate SG-1 and Stargate: Atlantis

Tail As Old As Time
"When people laugh at Mickey Mouse, it's because he's so human; and that is the secret of his popularity." - Walt Disney
Untitled (The Pizza Shop Short)
After all, Daniel knows a good deal when he sees it.

Sparkly Dance Boys

Domestic Choey. Cuteness ensues. Written for the Joey Deserves Dick Too Challenge
The Right Second
The intensity of almost losing someone. Also Choey. Written for the Joey Deserves Dick Too Challenge

Due South

Say Goodnight, Not Goodbye
A conversation between two friends. Only one of them is alive.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

Some Spike-y musings after Buffy's big revelation. Spoilers for After Life and Bargaining.

Batclan Stuff

Bird On A Wire
A fic written for Yuletide 2006 for Amilyn. Barbara Gordon's had her wings clipped. She doesn't like it very much.
No - 2002 DFA NOMINEE!
A little mini-fic, pondering what would happen if a young Robin got hungry on a stakeout and wondered if he and the Bat could get a little something to eat. *snark*
Close Enough - 2002 DFA NOMINEE!
Answer to the 150 word challenge. The only requirement, beyond word length was the first line of the story. It's an action piece, Robin torture, but one close to my heart. Short, graphic, painful but an ending I love.
Fan Mail - co-written with Snackyette!
For anyone who has read Young Justice 52 and all the wackyness that it entails. Young Timmy redefines his image without thinking of backlash. And he should have. Oh yes, he should have. NOT FINISHED YET!

Star Wars

Freezer Burn
This is a Han POV story that takes place while he is frozen in carbonite in "Return of the Jedi", right before Leia de-frosts him. A little weird, a little random, a little stream on consciousness but hopefully recognizable as Han


Opus No. 1
This is the first piece of X-Files fanfic I ever wrote. And I posted most of this to one of the fanfic lists. It's on Gossamer somewhere, under the wrong name, with a link that doesn't work. It about the murder of a pregnant teenager and how the investigation of said death affects our heros. It's unfinished and feedback would be much appreciated. It might get the damn thing done before the millinium. Maybe.
Corn and Bees
This is part of my ongoing project to rewrite the novelization of the X-Files:Fight The Future. Whoever adapted it to a novel did a piss poor job and I've taken it upon myself to rewrite it. One scene at a time. This is part of the scene in the cornfields in Texas. It's, like most everything else on this page, not done. But you might enjoy it.


This is another one of those works in progress. But, I really like this story and work on it whenever I have a free moment or two OR are trying to procrastinate from writing other thing. This is a story that sort of focuses around John and Aeryn, after the Aurora chair and the chip. They go through some serious shit together and I felt there were things in me that need to go on paper or screen or whatever. Remember, not finished yet. Be kind and suggestions are welcome!


This is techinically a Katie story, as in the character that I created to work some shit out when I had a lot more shit to work out then I do now. Anyway, while I realize that Katie is a bit Mary Sue-esque (a bit, you say? Pah!) I still like her and I have tried to make her a real person as opposed to the cardboard cutout she once was. With that in mind, this was written- a minific about remembered childhood and the magic creatures that it contains. May be sappy- you have been warned.
A Simple Lapse In Judgement
This is just a working title for one of my Katie stories. But Tamani liked this one and has been begging me to write more. This one involves a confrontation between our heroine (Katie) and one Scott Summers. Loads of angst. This is still a work in progress but there had been some progress since T saw it last. Hope you all enjoy.
Back to the beginning with you...

people have wrangled in. Sweet.