Your score placed you in the category of Gentle Butch, often called a Femme Butch. You may also wish to review Hard Androgyne and Feminist Butch, the two categories surrounding you. In a ranking across the femme/butch gamut, if 1 is femme and 100 is butch, you fall between 61 and 67 on the scale. For a review of where you fall in the overall population in numbers, refer to this chart. Your group is a large portion of the lesbian population, and includes a fair number of feminist males.

You identify with being Butch and are proud of it, yet do not require yourself or your spouse to comply with gender roles in actions and relationships. You like to open doors for ladies but don't press the issue, and aren't offended if they prefer to open them themselves. In fact, you are at times tickled to have a door opened for you.

You work hard most likely in a job requiring manual labor of some kind or an emergency rescue or health care position. You handle human trauma well and have a strong stomach for it, but have a soft side if it involves children or the frail elderly.

You are physically fit and strong, even if disabled in some way you have compensated that loss in other strengths. You prefer a crisp, neat style bordering on preppy.

Your house is generally neat though at times you let it really slide, you're good at cleaning it up for the in-laws should they visit. Housework is not your forte, but you don't object to helping out with that.

For partners you prefer the more androgynous femmes as in the Strong Femme and Soft Androgyne, and for your buds you like other butches.

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