Your score placed you in the category of Practical Femme. You identify with femme as who you are, but don't always live your life that way. You may also wish to review Classic Femme and Strong Femme, the two categories surrounding you. In a ranking across the femme/butch gamut, if 1 is femme and 100 is butch, you fall between 25 and 32 on the scale. For a review of where you fall in the overall population in numbers, refer to this chart. Your type is a large part of the femme population.

You are more mentally femme than physically. You love to gussy up for the occasional special event but it wears you out to maintain that image round the clock. Your nails are short but neat, your hair short and easy to care for, and you wear minimal makeup. You usually dress in more feminine styles of pants or longer, flowy skirts, often without hose. But you have no doubt in your heart that you are femme.

You take the direct approach to problems, often flying in head first without looking - this at times gets you in a flustering situation, but you are adept at digging yourself out of it. You like a moderately assertive career in lower management or self-employment. You really don't like having a boss, but don't want the onus of being the top boss.

You're a decent but not fancy cook, keep a neat but not elaborate house, and prefer efficiency to style, comfort to being "trendy."

In relationships you gravitate toward nearly every type, though Extreme Femmes strike you as a bit silly, Androgynes as indecisive and Extreme Butches as too posing. And what you don't date, you welcome as friends, though you are very selective in your friendships and tend to have a small, well chosen circle of associates.

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