爱大华堂2005年异像进展与2000年度教会重要活动报告 Kemajuan Visi 2005 Gereja Methodist Ayer Tawar Dan Laporan Rancangan Aktivi Khas Tahun 2000

与傻]的人而变的更加美丽!换句话说,若能使这世界更美更有希望, 我宁

对於爱大华卫理公会.我愿意同大家一起有一个相当疯狂的 [2005异像]说
它是疯狂, 因为它是个不容易达到.也要叫许多人付上代价的大工程.将动
团队2). 信徒在生活的各个层面当中藉着真理的领受达致成熟.3).建立爱
例如:1). 各项主要事工都取得进展.2). 信徒领受主自己话语的教导.3).
,关心照顾会友,祷告,维修,清洁与美化,服务与招待,组织与行政, 以及教
导工作等等.2). 需要有更多会友明白十一奉献的真理以及有实行的信心.
3).需要一些人作特别的奉献, 特别是在时间与经济上.教会若没有人顺服
圣灵的感动在这方面为主而献上, 我们的目标就会面对阻碍.3).在音乐与
崇拜的范围里面, 我们开始了华英崇拜. 并靠主恩典使他更为美好.4).在
基督教教育的范围里面有:   (I)爱大华牧区青少年事工小组的学业奖励.
字班],[祈祷学习班]等等.5). 在社会关怀方面包括:-医院探访,收集旧衣
物等等.6). 宣教与布道方面最主要的是  13/08-10/09  的第二届宣教月
再次向大家提及[爱的家节]. 除了在前面所提及关于[爱的家节]的安排之
家庭祭坛讲习会.对象: 有子女的基督徒家庭. 目的:学习如何一家人可以
:魏义发博士.条件:父母子女必须一起出席.  b).14-15/07/2000 (星期六
及星期日):一至两天晚上的[幸福家庭讲座].c). 28-29/07/2000 (星期五
至星期六): 1至2个晚上的乐龄生活讲座. 题目: [如何营造更美的乐龄生
活]. 讲员:新加玻三一神学院李宗高博士. d).29/07/2000(星期六):早上
九点至十一点:  乐龄事工讲习会. 讲员: 新加玻三一神学院李宗高博士.


Introduction: Christians  are a special sect of people on earth
(Only  you  are the choosen one among the species).Wearing  the 
helmet of saving grace,putting Jesus heart in the centre of our
hearts. The feet wearing the  action of the  Gospel.Their lives 
and  zeal are beyond normalcy,inasmuch as that they are conside
-red as mad or silly.But the world today, because of so many of
these mad or silly people, it has become a more beautiful place
with  more  hope then I am  willing  to be a mad man or a fool.

Contents:  For Ayer Tawar Methodist Church,I am willing to join 
all in a  rather crazy 2005vision.To say it is crazy because it
is not  easy to  achieve  and it also needs many to pay a price 
for this scheme  with  unprecendented  mobilisation  of man and 
materials.  I am  sure  it  is the  will  of God for Ayer Tawar 
Church  and the  reason of my  service here. From 1999 to 2005, 
a total of seven  years. The  count down, as a  matter  of fact 
is only 5  years  10 months` time  Only. During  this  period , 
we want to achieve the goals  such as  (1)A marked  improvement
in  all  the  different  areas of  work  including more members 
involved  in  active  works and  to  form  a  work  force team.
(2)From receiving  the  Truth  Christians  attained maturity in
the   different   aspects  in  lives.  (3)To build  Ayer  Tawar 
Church int an  active mission  church.  (4)To  include  members 
of  all  ages  and  stratas in the different areas of work with
professional guidance.  Towards  these  goals  we  cannot  deny 
that  we  already  have  a  very good beginning. e.g(1)There is
improvement  in  all  different  areas  of  work.  (2)Believers 
receive  crell  the  teaching  of  God`s  Words. (3)The  church 
embarks  or  mission  works.  But  we are still faced with many
challenges,  including:-  (1)Need  for  more  members  to  join 
in   service , such  as  Sunday  School  Teachers,  MIF  &  MYF 
works,  music,  evangelism,  Social  concern,  members  welfare,
prayer,  repair,   cleaning   and   beautification,  serving  & 
ushering,    organising   and   administering,   teaching   and 
training  works.  (2)Need  for  more members  to understand the 
Truth  on  Tithes  &  the  faith  to put it to practice.(3)Need
some  to  have   special   offering   especially  in  time  and 
finance.  If  there is  no  one  deferential to the Holy Spirit 
and  be  sacrificial  in  these  aspects.  Then  our  goals are
faced   with   obstacles  (3)On  music  and  worship,  we  have 
started  the  Mandarin  English  service,  with  the  grace  of 
God   it   turns  out   to   be  good  indeed. (4)On  Christian 
Education  I), Financial   awards   for  academic   excellences 
for  MIF  &  MYF  A/T  area.2).An  exhibition  on  Home  Safety 
(starting 9/7/2000),   Library    service,    Literacy   class. 
Blessings  Intercessions   class,   etc.    (5)On  mission  and 
Evangelism  Foremost,   a   second   mission   month  13/8-10/9.
A   mission   team  will   do  mission   work   in   Kg. Merbau 
(Date 4-8/9/2000)Lastly, once again do remember the Family  Day 
or  Agape  Home Day. Other  then  the  0arrangements  mentioned
 earlier it also includes. (a)13/7-14/7/2000 (Fri & Sat: 2 days 
1 night) Family  Altar Training  Course  for  those family with
children. The aim: Learn to sing hymns, pray,  read  the  Bible 
and worship  the  Lord together as a  family led by the parents
speaker:Dr Ngoi Ngie Huat. Condition: Parents must attend  with
their children. (b)14-15/7/2000 (Sat & Sun: one  to two night`s
talk on `lives of senior citizens. Topic: How  to have a better 
life for  senior  citizen  Speaker: Dr.  c.k.  Lee  of  Trinity 
College  Singapore`) (d)  29/7/2000  Sat  9.00 am  to  11.00 am 
Training for works to senior citizens. Speaker: Dr. c.k. Lee of
Trinity  college  Singapore  (e)Others : Pre-marital education.