These pictures are in order from the first pics i took to the last ones i took, so the most recent pics are at the end ...keep clicking through the pages to get to the most recent ones :) Thanks! IceWolf

i LOVE this no hat look as much as with hat :)--This was how i firstspotted him live and in person...no hat, hair mostly loose--jsut the top pulled back in a loose half-ponytail.. :) i'd like to see that look again--*hint, hint, nudge, nudge any WWF tour bookers, friedns of, etc* ROFL!
This position which he can be found in often, i have dubbed "The Crouch" which, for me is quite enjoyable, though it sometimes makes him hard to find on camera.
I am trying SOOOO hard to keep my comments to a minimum, but I CAN'T!!! He was SUCH a gentleman in this whole thing!! She kept trying to get those things in his face, and she slathered herself all over him, and he never even looked--he kept lookign towards the ring adn up out of the whole thing!! Good for you hun! Don't let her get to you! :) :) :) and he essentially kept his hands off her....only enough to get her over the barrier and push her to the ring...there....thats pretty short for me....oh wait! one more comment!! Can I be her?!?! PLEEEEASE?!?! ROFLMAO!! *wink*
one word--DAMN!

Look at bottom of the ring, to the right of the shot :)
One word--WHOA!! okay, two words--HOT DAMN!!! okay, three words, I WANT SOME!! *WEG* (see back of WWF Attitude shirt! heeheehee!) Okay, four words..KANE HAS AN ARM?!?! (okay, okay, thats a bit nasty! LOLOL!! but they are pretty close! :)
Look to the left behind the ugly hoe! :)
Leading thru the crowd
Poor thing is plum tuckered out!
He is farr off..look for him :)

i ADORE that hair!! Most women would KILL for that hair--i know i would! :)
Its blurry, but it's still viewable
Look way back behind Vince's elbow

Look left
Right of Vince
See left
Distant Center
In Silhouette--love the leg! :) :) :)

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