A new experimental RPG by Thomas Lipschultz and Nathan Rosen.

Interested in adding your name to the list? Many graphic artists are needed. If you have the skills and the time (and the interest), email me at thlipschultz@ursinus.edu and I'll send you the details. You'll be thanked profusely and credited in the game for your efforts, and you'll also be able to play early test-copies of the game as they're completed. What more could you want? (:

How about a sneak peek screenshot?

This shot shows the game's male hero, Sulin McKane, entering a cave room inhabited by two strange-looking little creatures. (:

For more information on Dreamseekers and other TWiG stuff, please proceed from here to https://members.tripod.com/~wyrdwad/TWiG.html - and please enjoy yourself. (:

Also, be sure to check back here often for updates on the game's progress!