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“Xena Role Play”

This page last updated Thursday, 04-Nov-2004 21:13:03 EST by the webmaster.

Xena_RP@yahoogroups.com is a small but close knit group of Xenites who not only enjoy role playing in the Xenaverse, but enjoy sharing their lives with each other as well. Not your average RP group, nothing is considered “off topic” and there is a lot of good natured bantering and chat mixed in with the adventures. **Meaning it’s an ADULT group. You know what that means.**

Members can create their own characters or role play as well known Xenaverse characters. However, there is only one character to a member..(i.e. there is one Xena, one Gabrielle, one Ares....there are no doubles). We also RP circa 3rd/beginning of 4th seasons. We are Hope and Eve-less. So that means people who they killed are still happily alive. So don't be fooled when you don’t see a short haired Gabby slashing people with sais. Also, we use the original chakram, not the weird lil yin-yang, separating evil chakram. *LOL.. I think it’s evil at least*

There are still some very key and well known characters not being played at the moment so feel free to check us out and apply to join the group. We love to meet new people and will look forward to having you join our fun and dedicated RP group. Please refer to the rules page to learn more about our RPG!

Although this group has different levels of writing skills, we do ask that you have at least a high school level understanding of English, grammar, spelling, etc. In order to join this list. If you do not meet these requirements it’s still possible to take part by asking somebody to Beta read for you (check for errors before a RPG chapter is posted). We welcome everyone, but like to be able to post easily readable chapters for our members to read. Thanks for understanding. : )

Do you need information on self defence? Click here


Contact Xena Lorber for info on joining our merry band of Bards, Warriors and Wenches.

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You must be over 18 to join this group as it contains explicit adult content!


Xena Warrior Princess and all other characters are trade mark their respective owners. This website is a fan based web site with themes that are of an Adult (eg 18+) nature. We do not attempt to make any claim over the trademarks owned by others, we are simply honouring a truly unique television show.

Battle on!

Created on ... September 28, 2003

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Created on ... September 28, 2003
