
Name/Nickname : Prelude

Country/State : Georgia, USA

Age : 19

Married? : single and satisfied

Favorite Ep : Oh geez, where to start?! Ok, Memento Mori, because it's
where I got started as a shipper, and because it makes me cry everytime!
Small Potatoes, Bad Blood, and Rain King because they're hilarious and
shippy. And, of course, Triangle, a shipper's dream come true (sigh) :-)

When and why a shipper : I've been a shipper since Memento Mori, the third
episode I ever saw, and I've been hooked since. The incredible
relationship they have was so obvious to me, I knew that I could never
think differently.

Favorite character : Scully, though I don't have an exact reason why. I
just feel like I connect to her best. Plus, sometimes, she looks a lot
like my favorite teacher from high school!

Fanfic : I love fanfic! I read just about everykind, as long as it's
believable. I especially love Romance/Humor stories and ocasionally just
a good dose of smut! But again, it's gotta be believable.

Fanfic Recs : My current faves are Road to Cucamunga by Syn, Situational
Claustrophobia by Jaime Lyn, and the first part of Friends Even In
Childhood by Penny Daza (have a box of kleenex nearby!)

Anything else : I'm a freshman at the University of Georgia (Go Dawgs!)
If you're ever bored, my IM screen name is Prelude823!