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Xgray's Xmac Stuff is a collection of resources for Mac users on a variety of topics which I feel will be useful to my readers. I try not to cover areas which are covered by so many other sites out there and to hopefully provide information in a new and original way.

I am also trying to include other resources which are not 100% Mac related. Since even Mac users have other technical interests, I have tried to include some of those as well. So as things progress here you may notice a lot more coverage of OSS projects and resources. I think that topics such as OSS, Mozilla, and Linux are the most important advancements in computing since the Macintosh itself.

As for the beind the scenes stuff: I have an "old" Macintosh Performa 6400/200 with 136MB RAM.(It's just funny thinking of a 200mhz machine as old, but I suppose that's progress for ya.) I run MacOS 8.5.1 currently and will hopefully soon have a dedication Linux boot volume, or perhaps even a separate system. By the way, in case you were wondering, Xmac is the name of my Mac -hence the name of this site. Clever? (probably not...)

HTML coding is primarily written long-form using Tex-Edit Plus and graphics are primarily done with Photoshop. I generally code for version 4.x browsers, so I can make use of StyleSheets, but I do make usre that they will function in older browsers as well.

As usual if you have any questions or comments, just let me know.


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Xgray's Xmac Stuff: This site is authored and maintained by Stephen M. Gray. If you have any questions or comments about this site, then please contact me by writing to xgray@bigfoot.com.


MacStart: Is a "Mini-Mac-Portal" designed to be used as your browser's start/home page. MacStart has a collection of links and information which Mac users will find useful on a daily basis.


MacUsenet: A resource for Mac users who want to make use of the other internet. It features a list of Macintosh related newsgroups and how to access this wealth of untapped information.


Software: Shareware reviews and other resources.


iCmd-F: Is a collection of Macinstosh related search resources for finding Mac stuff on the World Wide Web. Think of it as cmf-f for the entire Internet.


Mozilla Links: A growing collection of resource links for Netscape's Mozilla opensource project.


Faq Files:  Got questions? Find answers. This page contains links to many of the FAQ resources available on the Internet.

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