Auska and Shinji in Love?
Love Auska

Ok, I have yet to see a page like this. So I thought to my self: You should make it, and the rest is well you know... HTML... So here it is my page dedicated to Auska and Shinji in love. I think you know what your thinking. "By the GODS! Why is this heathen sprouting such basify?" Well It all started with a little story by Andrew Huang. Everyone needs a scapegoat goat, and well I thought I should blame him for writing what I considered a great story, with sequels. The kind of stories that spark the place in you mind (you know between the third and fourth lump in the frontal lobe) and make you start thinking....

Gallery's of Love...
Page One
Page Two
Very Cool

The Stories...
I Musn't Run Away
In Other Words

Evangelion the Gallery's
Well any ways if you ANY Auska and Shinji stuff you should Mail them to me! Why? Well If its a story I'll post it same for a Pic. Well what is that get me? I here you ask? Well I hate to say it but nothing much... Maybe a warm fuzzy knowing that you have shared something with some people. Then their is the little thing a written thank you I'll put here. So I guess I should just beg you for stuff. Anywho, if you have seen another sight like this wandering around let me know, I would like to link to it.

Neon Genesis Evangelion and related images are copyrighted by GAINAX/ Project EVA, TVX, NAS. Used here for illustration purposes only! All information / Graphics were obtained from the Net. My Thanks to all of you, who one way or another contributed to this Site. And even gave me this disclaimer!!!