Misato: Nervs' #1 Babe!
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Nervs #1 Babe!
Eangelion the
I said to my self... "Self, Misato needs a new page, and some more space on the web..." so this page was born. Well any ways I'm not to good at this write up thing so I'll give you this option. If you would like to do Misato's write up Let me know. Then I'll gladly add it here!
Now what to say what to say... Let me start off with own word wow! Just look at her! She looks good, has... had a good car and drinks beer for breakfast! Yes, Misato's page is brought to you by beer, yes beer the brand doesn't matter as you remember: JUST DRINK IT! and remember its not just for breakfast any more!
On a more searous note, lets take a look at Misato. She is not even thirty yet
she is the director of operations for Nerv! Hey, she could not even run for president of the us.
I guess that's just about irrelevant now... IMHO It is the total package that make Misato the person she is. It's not just the fact that she is good looking (for a Anime heroin). or has the job she has; or even drinks beer for breakfast (impressive as it might be... to go off on a tangent; that might sound like a good way to start off the morning but take my word on it its not as good as it sounds... it take a special breed of people to do that.) I think that it is here happy go lucky, almost nonregretfull way she approaches life. Her out look... From a grim past she has a hopeful outlook on the future.
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