by Renee Nixon

The purpose of the Closing is to end our times together on a reflective note. The Closing should be reflective, fun, and something that will leave an impression until the next time you meet. Below are examples of closings which worked well during our times at Opportunity House.

The Circle

Everyone forms a circle and puts in one word into the circle on how they feel at that moment, or on what they learned that day or a thought they would like to leave with the group with. Participants can go in order or at random. After everyone has gone, take a moment of silence to reflect on what everyone has said.

The Whisper Circle

Split the group in half (Group A and Group B). Group B sits in a tight circle (works best if people are seated in chairs) with heads down and eyes closed. Individuals in Group A stand behind the people in Group B and, with their hands gently placed on Group B members' shoulders, whisper encouraging, positive, personal messages to each member of Group B. Once Group A has finished the circle, give the group members a few moments to reflect. Then have the group switch places. Once everyone has had a turn, come together in a larger circle to again reflect. This is the most powerful of all the Closings. Don't be surprised if people shed tears.

Just For Fun

If it has been a draining session, or everyone is low on energy, try to have a little fun! Playing games like Hokey-Pokey and Concentration are fun energy-boosters. Also, you can turn on music and have everyone show their favorite dance step.

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