The Young Royals Reference Pages

Hello and welcome to The Young Royals Reference Pages!

You all know me as "Duch", the webmistress of Windsor Street. My friend Ashley and I have decided to combine our efforts to put together this new site, which, perhaps, when it's finished, will be an extensive research site for people looking for the information we have.

Unless otherwise stated, the information on these pages should be credited to Ashley, as she is the one who found it. She is, after all, the history major of our duo, and I am more than happy to let her do the research she loves doing...researching the Royals. For my own part, I'll be putting the information she gives me on this site.

The site is called The Young Royals Reference Pages because it is the young Royals we're focusing on. The royals mentioned on this site are all between the ages of 10 and 25. For now, we just have their names, countries and birthdays, but we do hope to have more information on them and perhaps pictures of them too sometime in the future, with the help of our online friends.

Please watch out for nails and sharp objects on the's not easy to keep a place clean with all this construction going on, LOL! Oh, and excuse the dust...AaaaahhhCHOO!

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13 MAY 2000: I removed the pictures (yeah, I know, not many here to begin with) from the site tonight. For information on why I have done this and why there will not be any pictures of Royals on this site in the future, please go HERE.

There are a few things I should mention right now.

Keep in mind that as the months go by, the princes and princesses will have a birthday and get a year older. However, we are not going to be changing their position on the site for quite some time. We'll explain further sometime in the future.

We do realize (someone pointed it out) that many of these people (the "Princes" at least) are not really Royals, but are private citizens. We are including them on this site as "Princes" because they are members of Royal families and are to all extents and purposes, Royal.

We may, in the future, also be including young Dukes, Duchesses, Counts and Countesses of princely houses, but we haven't decided for sure on that yet.

Ashley's sources will be named, for those of you who want to use the information provided for essays or projects. You may also email Ashley and ask her questions or whatever. I'm sure she wouldn't mind.

If you have any questions or comments about this site, please don't hesitate to email me (Duch) or Ashley. We would be glad to hear what you have to say or answer your questions!

Here are the links to all the pages on this site. Yes, it is going to take some time before we get all the information here, but all the links are now working...pages for each of the Princes and Princesses are coming!


The Princes (1989-1987)

The Princes (1986-1984)

The Princes (1983-1981)

The Princes (1980-1978)

The Princes (1977-1974)


The Princesses (1989-1987)

The Princesses (1986-1984)

The Princesses (1983-1981)

The Princesses (1980-1978)

The Princesses (1977-1974)


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