Standard Light Bulb or Wooden Bulb
    Transfer Paper (if needed to trace pattern)
    Aleene's Premium Coat Acrylic Paint Colors:Holiday Green, Light Yellow, True Red, Burgundy, Yellow Ochre
    Sponge Brush (spouncer works well)
    #2 and #6 Shader Brush
    Decorative Snow
    Permanent Ink Marker (fine point)
    Ribbon (for hanger)
    Glue Gun
    Clear Matte Spray Sealer

    Wash light bulb & dry thoroughly. Basecoat bulb holiday green W/2 coats, let dry in between coats. (hint: I use a basic socket fixture, the kind you affix to the ceiling to hold my bulbs while I base coat, otherwise you have to hold until paint dries). Basecoat metal part of bulb true red using 2 coats. Basecoat face with light yellow. Overpaint face using a thinned holiday green (2 parts water:1 part paint). Let dry completely. Draw or trace pattern on with pencil.
    Paint nose holiday green. Using #2 shader dry brush (load your brush, then wipe off on a paper towel until brush seems dry) holiday green in eyelids, under nose & mouth. Paint eyes using light yellow. Paint pupils burgundy, highlight w/small dot of light yellow. Paint top of eye using yellow ochre. Use black permanent pen to outline face features. Hot glue a small loop of ribbon to the very top for hanger. Using decorative snow paint over hot glue at top & around bottom of metal part for hat band. Let dry completely. Spray seal w/clear matte spray. ENJOY YOUR GRINCH!