This page is lovingly dedicated to the sorrowing family and friends of sweet Jeff who died Saturday, 02 August 1997.

A mother sent this letter to Ann Landers a few years back--I do not know when, but the sentiments expressed are not dated.

"Dear Ann Landers: Last January, it was two years since our daughter Karen died. I know that a great many people wanted to ease our pain, Ann, but I could not believe some of the insensitive remarks that we encountered.

I have written a message for all the people who mean well, but have no idea how inappropriate some of their comments are."


PLEASE - don't ask me if I'm over it yet, I'll never be "over it."

PLEASE - don't tell me she's in a better place. She isn't HERE.

PLEASE - don't say "at least she isn't suffering." I haven't come
to terms with why she had to suffer at all.

PLEASE - don't tell me you know how I feel unless you have lost a child.

PLEASE - don't tell me to get on with my life. I'm still here,
you'll notice.

PLEASE - don't ask me if I feel better. Bereavement isn't a
condition that "clears up."

PLEASE - don't tell me "God never makes a mistake." You mean
He did this on purpose?

PLEASE - don't tell me "at least you had her for 28 years."
What year would you choose for your [child] to die?

PLEASE - don't tell me God never gives you more than you can bear--
WHO decides how much another person can bear?

PLEASE - just say you are sorry.

PLEASE - just say you remember her, if you do.

PLEASE - just let me talk if I want to.

PLEASE - let me cry when I must.

---Rita Moran, a member of The Compassionate Friends (Miami)

Anyone who would like more information about local chapters, please write to:

The Compassionate Friends
National Headquarters
P.O. Box 3696
Oak Brook, IL 60522-3696

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28 August 1997/Updated 25 February 1999