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3CR Zaza Community Radio
A group of individuals and organizations decided to provide a real alternative to the mainstream media in Australia. 3CR started broadcasting in July 1976. 3CR broadcasts 24 hours a day, 7 days a week from its own studios at 21 Smith Street, Fitzroy, Melbourne Vic. Australia.

3CR is a radio station that is owned and managed by its community. The 3CR community is its listeners. 3CR is one of the few radio stations that broadcasts without commercial or government control. 3CR remain independent by not relying on commercial sponsorship or government funding.

The station survives on the work of a handful of paid stuff, and volunteers and its listeners sponsors. 500 volunteers work for 150 programs every week. 3CR gives a voice to people who are not usually heard.

3CR has a policy of non-racist and non-sexist broadcasting, and supports the struggles of working people. 3CR supports Australian artists and music

3CR Zaza Community radio has started to broadcast its program in the Zazaki/ Kirmancki language on 6 january 1997. It was 30 minutes a week program for its first  3 months. Now it has 60 minutes a week. Zaza Community Radio broadcasts 90% of its program in the Zazaki/Kirmancki language. The remainder is in the Turkish and English languages.

It has about 500 listeners. 5 volunteer people runs the program.

90% of its program is locally produced material, mainly music are from overseas

3CR Zaza Community Radio needs all kind of materials and music in Zazaki/ Kirmancki or other materials in any language for use in our radio programs
