Giving Up Hope
I have given up hope on Humanity
Fuck it all, Fuck this world
With all our problems and beliefs
We don't seem to realize
Our own nature to destroy and corrupt
Purity is no longer a term in our vocabulary
We have raped the innocence from our children
And everyday we become weaker
And more prone to whim instead of rationale
Nothing is as it seems anymore
We are the end of life
But we aren't, We are the corruption of it
A virus that destroys itself almost as rapidly as it spreads
We can't live for dying
We can't die for living
We don't believe in anything to the definition
They believe in it to protect themselves
To rise above and stand upon everyone else
We are slow death, painful and violent
Purity is a lie, A dream no longer atainable
Rape is beauty to be given or taken
Innocent is a lie from the beginning
We are dying even as we are born
Nothing is what we are, disease is what we will become
Blackness can be our light, if we could only see it
We are so niave we have the knowledge
We have the power to end life and to give it
But we cannot even help ourselves
We are blinded by our own evil
~ZILjIN Lowh, Oct. 30, 2000 A.D.


© Copywrite ZILjIN Lowh