Warez Linkz

First of all I wanted to say that i don't take any responsibility for information or software found on this page. Note that there are only links on this page, I don't offer the software. I recommend you only use this software for educational purpose only. Also you have to delete it within 24 hours, else you're pirating(which is of course your own business).
This Site is updated everyday there is no way there will be a dead link on it for more then one day, they are all tested. All i ask in return for the website is for you to click on one of my sponsor banners, that's not too much too ask for now is it? That's all i want. You don't even have to spend time on the sites just wait for it to load up take a look if you want and go back to mines. And if you want to put your link on this page then just click here to email me and type in the url i will put your link on my page. Thanks a lot for taking the time to read this, and ENJOY!!!!!!!.

Site Name Site Description
Los Sitios Mas Warez Del Mundo Just another site with a few links. This site is just up the links on it work but they're not that great.
Happy Hippo Wow, this is one of the best warez sites i have ever seen.
Modchips The Modchip is a chip that you get installed into your playstation to let you play foreign and copied games.
Free XXX Passwords This is no bullshit there really are XXX passwords on this site.
New Program This site is unbelievably phat, i've never seen anything like it.
Vamps MP3 Page A very good MP3 page. I recommend taking a look at this place if you listen to MP3's.
KopyKatz Excellent Warez Site, Just like every other one on this page.
Twoslow's Secret Warez Linkz Pretty good site nothing special just linkz, but they don't all work like they do on this site.
Warez No Angelz! A bunch of banners and links scattered all over the friggin place. But its not that bad gots a few dancing ladies. And thats about it.
An Introduction to Warez for Newbies Great site to go to if just got into this and want to know more about it. Otherwise its not that good.
SevenDwarfs Warez If you're looking for Gamez and Linkz then this is the site to go to. Contains Games, Appz, and Linkz.
The Warez Empire Hey If you want to know what this is then check it out for yourself!!
The Lost Warez THIS SITE IS STEAMING HOT, visit it NOW!!!
Your Link Here!!!! Put your link if you want, i mean you really have nothing to lose and all you have to do in return is put my banner on your page, anywhere on it as long as it is seen. But if you feel really uncomforable doing that then you can just put my link up. Thanx for visiting my site. Come again.

All i am asking you for is to click this banner, you can look around do whatever you want i just need five seconds of your time. Please, THANX!!! for taking the time out to read this. Cya.

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Last Updated 14:33 EDT FRI Aug, 28 1998

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