Sabbats and Esbats

Yule- Renewal and rebirth - Winter Solstice - Symbols:  wheel of the year, evergreens, yule log, small potted plants.  Colors:  Red and green.  Corresponds to christmas in the other world.

Imbolic - Festival of lights - February 1 or 2nd.  Symbols:  Snow, evergreens, candles, early spring plants.  Colors: green and white.  Corresponds to Ground Hog day in the other world.

Ostara - Beginning of Spring - Spring Equinox.  Symbols:  potted plants, cauldrons, colored eggs.  Color:  white.
Corresponds to easter in the other world.

Beltane - Return of Fertility - May 1st.  Symbols:  fresh flowers, cauldrons of flowers, mirrors, balefire.  Color: white.
Corresponds to May Day in the other world.

Litha or Midsummer - Magical powers - Summer Solstice.  Symbols:  mirrors to capture the sun, fresh berries.  Colors: white.  No real correspondence.

Lughnasadh - Harvest, Thanksgiving - August 1.  Symbols:  Corn dollies, braided bread, grains and berries.  Colors:  Red and orange.  Corresponds to Lammas for some in the other world.

Mabon - Second Harvest and Mystery - Fall Equinox.  Symbols:  Pine cones, acorns, wheat, dried leaves.  Colors:  red and brown.  No real correspondence (other than Yom Kipper) in the other world.

Samhain - End of Summer, Festival of the Dead - October 31.  Symbols:  pomegranates, pumpkins, apples.  Colors: red and black.  Corresponds to Halloween in the other world.

An Esbat is celebrated every full moon. Thirteen times a year.  It is a time to celebrate the Goddess in her gloy.  To give thanks for the blessings bestowed upon you.

My husband and I use the Sabbats and the Esbats not only for honoring the Goddess  and the God in all their forms, but also as a time to reaffirm our vows to each other.  By coming together as  High Priest and Priestess before our dieties, our own bonds become stronger.

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