Bats in your belfry?


A benevolent bunch of burgeoning benefactors bestows this bizarre bard-babbling:

It would behoove you to belay your beleaguered bellyaching as we beckon you to bandy about with your buddies at a bawdy benefit. "Beach Bedlam" is the basis for this bitchin’ ballyhoo, so bedeck your bod with bikinis, bathing trunks, and barbarous bangles, and don’t be bashful!

There will be beer to besot your brain, a barbecue for browning or burning you belt-bending bellyful, and a pool for backstrokin’, buoyant beauty-sleeping, and hyperbaric bacchanalia!

Babble blatantly with blonde, brunette, and burgundy brained blockheads!

Barrage befuddled backstabbing bigamists with bullshit!

Boogie barefoot to the Beach Boys and other banal bands!

Bedevil Beelzebub and befriend Buddha with blaspheming baccalaureates!

Boycott the bellicose blathering of belligerent bigots!

Banter blithely with buff, barrel-chested brutes, and beguiling, bodaceously bosomed babes!

Banish berserkers who bellow their bestial backwards bickering!

Bare all and beckon your baby to rub babassu oil on your bod!


Beginning: 2:00 p.m. Saturday, June 4

Begot by:

BYO: beef, bacon, bird or bass for the barbie.
