Welcome to Dragonlady's
Jai Yen Yen Site!
Street Combat
Jai Yen Yen is a martial arts system whose emphasis is on self-defense.
This system was founded 1971 in San Antonio,Tx. Several styles were incorporated and some of these are Kyokushinkai, Goju-ryu, Judo, Tae Kwon Do and many others.
This is my first web page so be kind! I will be adding and improving this site as I learn html and any suggestions or advice is greatly appreciated!
E-Mail Me!
Jai Yen Yen Founders
- Information about Jai Yen Yen's history and founding fathers.
Jai Yen Yen Newsletter
- Monthly issue of newsletter
What does Jai Yen Yen mean to me?
- An article on my perspective of the Jai Yen Yen System
My personal webpage!
- Just personal stuff and pics of my family.
My favorite Martial Arts Links!
- Lists of my favorite links
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