When I read his books, Green Side Out and Brown Side Out, I immediately went down and bought a
copy of every Gene Duncan book I could find. I have never been a big reader but these books are hard
to put down. They are written in short stories that are easy to read, entertaining, and educational. If your
an old time Marine they will be a trip down memory lane. If you are a young Marine you'll know what
the hell the old MGYSGT is talking about.
Dunc manufactures the books by himself and has made them a resonable size that will fit right into your
cargo pocket.
I challenge you to read all 13 books. You won't be disappointed.
If you are a Marine on active duty and you haven't read Fact and Fiction from Dunks Almanac, you
should put down that book from the Commandants Reading list (it will wait) and pick up Dunks
Almanac. It should be manditory for all SNCO's and Officers.
Lt.Gen. Edward Craig USMC Ret.
Especially likes Dunks Almanac and is quoted as saying,"If I had read Dunks Almanac when first
coming into the Marine Corps, I would have been a better Marine...read it carefully and you will find