Lt. Jasad Lang - Assistant Chief Engineering Officer

Terran Age:
Date of Birth:
Place of Birth
Cardassian, Federation Standard, Bajoran, Vulcan, and learning Klingon
Marital Status:
Physical Characteristics
Natural history, ecology, mud, Martial Arts, Outdoor Camping
Service Record
2365 - 2370
Scientific Technician, Cardassian Ministry of Science
2370 - 2371
Cardassian Military Academy, Korra
2371 - 2374
Starfleet Academy, San Francisco, Earth
2374 - 2375
Engineering Officer- DS9
Promoted to Lt. Jg.
Lt. Jg. - Engineering Officer - USS Highlander
Promoted to Lt.
2375 - ????
Lt. - Assistant Chief Engineer (ACOE) - USS Highlander
For Combat engagement whist on board both Deep Space Nine and the USS Highlander
For Combat engagement whist on the USS HIGHLANDER in the rescue of the USS Sejanus from the Gamma Quadrant and other ongoing Campaigns

Born in 2348, on Cardassia Prime, Jasad was the only son of Nador and Latima Lang. Jasad spent much of his youth working alongside his mother, a professor at Cardassia University. His education was supervised by his mother and her research students, and was excellent even by Cardassian standards. Some people say that Natima was out to prove that Cardassian males do in fact 'have a head for science'. He was an excellent student and received his degree from Cardassia University in 2368 after only 28 months (a near record). Two years later at the urging of his father, who was a self defence instructor for 5 years before marrying Natima and turning to local politics, he joined the military academy at Korra.

In 2371, while en route to a working vacation on Unethra with his parents and his fiancé Rekelen, his freighter was attacked by Jem Hedar fighters and crippled, his parents and fiancé were killed. The raiders boarded the freighter and took prisoner Jasad and 6 other survivors. Along with a young Klingon pilot he rescued the survivors by killing their guards and stealing a shuttle, hiding in an asteroid belt until being picked up by a federation ship investigating the distress call. He was taken to DS9 for treatment. Realising that with no family left on Cardassia, he was an orphan and therefore no longer had any social standing, he decide to try to be the first Cardassian to join Starfleet, with the help of Captain Benjamin Sisko, he was accepted.

He excelled at all of the technical subjects due mainly to years of operating and repairing scientific equipment for his mother, but performed averagely in the Starfleet procedure and protocol courses. Following his graduation he requested and was granted a posting to DS9, where his knowledge of Cardassian systems has been a great help to Chief O'Brien.

In 2375, Jasad was reassigned to the Defiant Class, USS Highlander as Engineering Officer. Having spent many hours working on the USS Defiant under Chief O'Brien tutelage, Jasad took little time to settle in with the new crew. So impressed was Captain Connare James, with his new Engineering Officer, that shortly after his arrival, Jasad was promoted to the rank of Full Lieutenant and then later to Assistant Chief Engineer.

The rest is still to be written...............

Jasad is a quiet man (some would say brooding) with a very careful nature who hates to make mistakes. He is also an excellent martial artist, topping his class at military academy, and rapidly adapting to the different styles taught by Starfleet. Being somewhat on the small side for a Cardassian, he is often completely unaware of his physical size and imposing demeanour.


Player Awards

"Simmer of the Mission" - Episode Seven - Realm of the Dragon
For Three Years Service to the USS Highlander
For consistently assists the Game Master with the USS Highlander Site and offering suggestions in either Design or Storyline.
For consistently participate in the ships saga's and responding quickly to posted logs.
For consistently writing high quality logs and always managing to post on time or more than one per week