Our Every Tomorrow

In this life of cares and heartaches, there are many who fall
They suffer blows so deep and venemous that their souls
cannot absorb it all
They fall aside as deeply cut wounds bleed from outside as
well as in

We cannot see their hidden pains, the blows they keep covered
Because of this daily they die in ways we will never know.
Yet if only their hearts could be made to see, they truly
aren't alone
Then at last their wearied and sickened heart could find
a home.
For one day long ago was a man whom sin He did not know
Yet there hung He upon a tree, hair pulled and lashes given
And through many cuts did He bleed.

In that time, that horrid time, did He feel their every pain.
Their every fear, their every shame for all time before or ever
to be.
Now today He reaches out to ewach and everyone of us
To share our fear, our pain, today and our every tomorrow.


Let us always think before we do and search our
hearts before we speak.
May we not perpetuate the lows but give others of our  peak.
Also let us reach out to each other in our pain and let the sharing be our gain.



The Broken Heart


Love and Friendship


Artwork © David Ho 

Set design by Ann, WOSIB Designers Garden