Lenora's Fiction Archive

"Culloden Moor" by Lenora McCoy

Here lie the brave Hieland men
Beneath the cold, cold moor
They set out to attack, but then
They fell back into camp.

The brave Hielanders slept so sound
But the cruel Redcoats did not
The Redcoats attacked the Hieland camp
and left their bodies, cold and damp.

Bonnie Prince Charlie, oh he did flee
To the isle of skye, with Flora MacDonald
Said he, "Thank you for helping me."
And from there he left for exhile in France.

Many songs have been sung
About the brave Hieland men
Their graves are honored
and their names live on.

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Hosted by Tripod

Created by Lenora McCoy

Last updated 18 JUN 98

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