Lenora's Fiction Archive


The fire and heat vanished and they found themselves lying on the ground -- hands touching.

Agnes put a hand to her head. "Ouch. Hard landing"

Al reached over and brushed her forehead with his fingertips... and the pain vanished! "How's that?"

She looked at him. "How'd ya do that?" she whispered.

"Do what?"

"Make the pain vanish just by touching me!"

Al frowned at her -- and Aggie realised that he was completely unaware of what he'd just done!

Agnes looked around at their surroundings. They were in a clearing, and it was nice and cool, with a slight breeze.

*Like summertime,* Al whispered in her mind, sitting up on his elbows and looking around.


He closed an eye and smiled at her. *You're yourself again.*

She smiled. *Good . . . and you're you, too*

Al chuckled, sitting all the way up and hugging his knees. *You're blushing.*

*Sorry. Shall we have a look around?* She stood.

Al frowned. *I... can't.*

*Why not?* she asked, concern showing in her eyes.

Al began to tremble. *Because... because the world just went dark. I hit my head... I can't... I can't see, Agnes.*

*Oh no!*

Al ducked his head into the hollow his arms and knees made.. and Agnes could see the swelling at the base of his skull. He'd hit really hard. She knelt and gingerly felt the bump. She carefully felt around the bump, checking for broken skull-bone, finding none.

"S***!" Al screeched aloud and mentally, his head snapping up. *Cheezit, beautiful -- that HURT!*

She sighed. *Seems like just a majorly tender bruise . . . I'm hoping that's all it is, along with a concussion.*

*Guess that's why the lights are out, huh?* Al tried to stand up. *Agnes?*

Agnes helped him, and held his arm for support. She looked around, trying to see if there was any sign of civilization nearby, but she could only see trees. *Yeah?*

*Can... are my eyes... do they look normal?*

She peered at the green eyes . . . *Look fine to me. I think it's just the concussion, not your eyes.*

He smiled.... then reached out and touched her cheek. His eyes flared brilliant green and he was gone.

*Geez, warn me first!*

*Sorry... hey I can see!*

*Well, duh, you're in ME!* Agnes snapped.

Then Al stood beside her, grinning.. and the grin died as he peered into the darkness.

Agnes looked at him, noticing the blank look. *Guess when you're not in me, you can't see, huh?*

*Nope...* His head suddenly tilted. *Hey... I hear a battle!*

Agnes listened . . . and heard shouts and the clang of metal. *You're right. We shouldn't stay here in case the battle decides to come here. . . come on. I'll lead you into the wooded area.* She took his arm and led him to the edge of the clearing.

There was suddenly silence. The battle ended as suddenly as it had begun.

*Hey . . . you know, I think we oughta check this out . . . what's the handlink say -- uh, whoops.*

Al grinned and handed it over. *You tell me, beautiful.*

She took the multicoloured box and stared at it, confused. *I don't know what buttons to press . . . or even what's buttons and what's not*

Al gave her instructions, and she followed them...

*Hmmmm . . . Ziggy says that there's someone named Mistress and she's gonna be killed by someone named Jayna to get the throne . . . looks like we gotta find this Mistress*

*Ask her how my blindness comes into the picture.. if this happened, it must be for a help.. somehow.*

*Okay . . . * she punched a couple buttons and half an answer scrolled on . . . *so you don't see the w-- * she smacked the handlink a few times, *women . . . * She laughed. *I guess Roma's gettin back at you for your women-watching huh?*

*She did that three leaps ago,* Al's face fell. *When she did... THIS... and you started...* He lay his head in his hands.

Agnes looked at the handlink again. *Oh, she says that Mistress and her followers attack any man who sees their religious ceremonies . . . oh, and here's a kicker -- the Monkees were here not long ago. Davy walked in on them and was blinded by Mistress . . . using MAGIC? Oh, Ziggy must have a chip loose. There's no such thing.*

Al raised his head. His useless green eyes were dead and emotionless, but mischief played around his mouth. *And there's no such thing as powers, either, beautiful. And people don't just lose 30 years off their age in a matter of minutes.*

*Point taken*

*So... how does Ziggy say we're to get to these women?*

*For starters. She says . . . take the path.* Agnes looked around and saw a faint path leading away from the clearing. *I think I see it. Here, you wanna hold on to this?*

*Why?* Al asked, waving a hand in front of his face. *Can't read it.*

*I thought you might want to hold on to it . . . but I can keep it for now if you want. Ready to find Mistress and company?*

He stood up, forgetting to reach. His head impacted with a branch and he sat down, cursing.

*Let me.* Agnes grabbed his arm and gently helped him stand.

Together they walked into the clearing --- and a female voice shrilled, "HERETIC!"

Agnes stopped short. "No, we're seeking . . . Mistress. We're on a mission, to help her."

For this you bring a MALE into our sanctum?" Jayna, a young blonde mage, hissed.

"We're a team. We were sent here by a powerful being . . . we help people. We're on the side of goodness."

"Our laws specifically state that NO man may set eyes upon the rites!"

Agnes laughed. "Well then you have no troubles. We landed here somewhat abruptly and he has a concussion. . . can't see anything."

"You are blind, child?" And older woman pushed forward. She touched Al's eyes and Al nodded.

Mistress nodded and looked at Agnes. "You say you seek me. Why?"

Agnes looked around at the crowd of women, not knowing which was the traitor. "Um, I think it is a matter best discussed in private." she whispered.

Mistress gave her a thoughtful look. "Fine. Come with me to my chambers . . . um, "

"Agnes. And this is Al."

"Agnes. Pleased to meet you." And with that she led the way to her quarters.

Al smiled as his fingers curved around the mug Mistress lay in his reaching fingers. He inhaled the scent of chocolate and took a tentative sip. Yep, it was chocolate all right. *I could get used to this,* he sent. *Getting waited on just because my eyes don't work..*

*Don't get used to it shotgun. I'm betting after this leap, you'll be your old self again*

Al looked down. A corner of his lip twitched... *Agnes, I won't be my 'old self' for thirty-plus years.*

*You know what I mean! You'll be able to see.* She replied, and then turned to Mistress.

She didn't see the single tear that snaked down Al's cheek, despite his best efforts to stop it. It REALLY pained him, not even looking like himself.

"So, what is this mission you two are on, that is needed to be discussed in private?" Mistress asked.

Agnes sighed, "We're . . . travelers, sent here to prevent someone in your group from deposing you from your throne."

*Slick, beautiful...*


"How do you know there will be a traitor . . . even our best soothsayers have not told me anything of this."

"We.... sense things, Mistress." Al sipped his cocoa and smiled.

Mistress sat back and closed her eyes in deep thought.

Agnes nervously sipped her cocoa and waited to see if they would be believed.

After a long silence, Mistress opened her eyes and fixed Agnes with a piercing glare.

"If you are wrong you will be punished. But, I will allow you to remain here a time, to attempt to help prevent this occurence." Mistress said.

Agnes stood and shook hands with her, "Thank you Mistress. We'll do our best."

Al stood, holding out a hand for Agnes to take and guide him outside. This blindness thing was becoming easier and easier to deal with....

Agnes took his arm gently and led him into the throne room, following Mistress, who seated herself on the throne. She pointed to a pair of seats, for attendants.

"You two may sit there for the time being." Mistress said.

"Thank you, Mistress," Al said as Agnes led him to a seat. It was velvet, he noted as his sensitive fingers brushed it.

Then he froze. SENSITIVE fingers? *What's happening to me?* he gasped.

*Relax. It's just a side-effect of the blindness. When you're not relying on your eyes, you tend to notice sensations from your other sense a lot more clearly. I think it'll pass.* Agnes reassured him, then relaxed into her seat.

The killer smile flashed. *You sound like you're talkin' from experience.*

*Nah, just read a few books about it.*

The community began to come to bring Mistress their problems.... one at a time.

After the first dozen, Agnes began to feel her eyes closing. She forced herself to stay awake knowing Al wouldn't spot the killer right away.

"Jayna to see you, Mistress." an attendant announced.

*JAYNA!* Al hissed mentally. *Ziggy said that was the name!*

*You're right!* Agnes sat forward on her seat, ready to pounce. As Jayna pulled a knife out of her pocket, Agnes jumped up and with a flying leap, tackled Jayna and wrestled the knife from her hand.

Mistress stood, "Detain Jayna! Remove her weapon!" Several attendants scurried to follow her orders. "Thank you Agnes. You have done well. Seems we have been blessed with help from many travelers from afar."

Al felt it first. "And sadly... it would seem our time is done. We've done what had to be done."

Mistress nodded, as Agnes moved to stand beside Al. "Thank you for your help. You always have safe haven here."

Agnes nodded. "Thank you Mistress." And she slid her hand into Al's.

Al closed his eyes as they leaped... he was almost afraid of what the next one may bring.

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Last updated 05 FEB 99

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