Kurita C3 Power!

The Draconis Combine strikes again! This time the dragon has pretty much C3 support to roll over the enemy. This deck traded speed for power so once you got your Mechs out, there won't be many enemy Mechs left afterwards. Note: Don't mail me if you have questions about this deck. Send your mail to johnnyk@gtii.com. He designed it so he can answer your requests better than I can.

And here it is:
#   Commands
1   Mech Rotation
5   GearHead
1   ECM Retrofit
3   C3 Retrofit
3   NARC Retrofit
1   Fanatical Leader
2   Maneuvering Ace
1   Hohiro Kurita
2   Civilian Settlement
1   Retrofitted Missile Rack
1   Kamikaze Mechwarrior

# Mechs 2 Sunder 2 FireStarter (the Omni, I think) 2 Avatar 3 Owens 1 BlackJack 1 Rhonda's Highlander 2 Gunslinger 1 Black Knight 1 Naginata
# Missions 2 Good Shooting! 1 Lured Into Bog 1 Vicious Kick 1 Cover Of Night
# Resources 3 Assembly 2 Logistics 2 Tactics 2 Munitions 2 Repair Facility 3 Comstar Support 1 Comstar Bank Acount 2 Outreach Mercenary Training 2 Field Command Post

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