The 1st Solaris Strikers


How much damage can be caused by a party?

First I want you to show you how the members of our party characterize themselves.

Name: Wang Namakatsi
House: Kurita
Mech: Wolverine "Wangler"
Character: Bound to his troops
Name: Philipp Rheinstag
House: Steiner
Mech: Shadow Hawk "Susi"
Character: Hates the 2nd Sword of Light, dutiful, loves battle.
Name: "Terror Cowboy" Wayne Greppi
Mech: Wasp "Jim Beam" (painted like a Jim Beam Bottle)
House: Kurita (more or less)
Character: Alcoholic, smoker, anti-authoritarian, aggressive.
Name: Xiao-shi-Toù
House: Liao
Mech: Stalker "Revenge Angel"
Character: Hates Davion, very moody, always searching quarrel.
Name: Rudolpho E. Cardoso
House: Steiner
Mech: Griffin "Hell's Angel"
Character: Criminal bent, aggressive.
Name: Boris Ivanauskas
House: Marik
Mech: Raven "Dancing Techno Raven" (painted in neon colors)
Character: Tech, living in his own world, going his own way.

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