Little accidents during some adventures

Of course, the events on the previous page aren't the only things our party has done. Here I will present the events that are classified as "minor".

For example, during the raid on the poorly defensed planet, a Wasp-pilot ejects and activates his parachute. The party begins an interesting discussion:

Should we fry him?
Nah... We can interrogate him.
So, we wait until he comes down.
(He comes down.)
Let's go to him.
Yes. We exit our Mechs, don't we?
I stay in my Mech in case of trouble.
Good idea.
So you come to the MechWarrior. He's busy exiting his seat.
I go to him.
I draw my Auto-pistol and start aiming at him.
I ask him: Who is your commander?
He says: I won't tell you.
You'll die if you don't tell us.
Hah! I'd rather die than telling you about this all, invaders!
This bores me. I shoot.
No wait...
Too late. (He shoots and hits.)
Great. Just great. We might have needed him.
He wouldn't have talked either.
The Mechwarrior falls, but still lives.
I continue interrogating him. I say: Who sent you? Why are you doing this?
I defended my planet. (He draws a dagger and kills himself by ramming it into his stomach.)
That does it! I have too much! I draw a grenade and put it into his stomach!
(Please kids: Don't try this at home!)
After this, I just go away.
The guy explodes. It rains blood all over the place.
I start smiling.

Later during this adventure, Wayne walks to another weapons store to buy some weapons.
I walk into the store and go to the owner.
O.K. How my I help you, sir?
We are the new owners of this dirtball.
I thought I could come here to take some weapons.
I can sell you weapons. Maybe we can make a deal. I can sell them cheaper...
Cheaper? I did not want to pay for them!
No no no. I sell them. I do not give them as a present.
But I'm the new boss around here! So give me what I want or you'll have some problems soon...
Ummm... Oh come on! Please?
I think I cannot tolerate such an behaviour. I shoot the owner.
(The owner dies.) You hear sirenes.
You know what will happen next?
I have to try.
I send a message to Xiao-shi-Toù. He should come and help me with his Stalker.
The police arrives and secures the area.
I throw a grenade into the building and go outside.
After you exit the building, there's a huge explosion. The police is aiming at you.
I arm one grenade and leave it in my sport bag which contains the rest of my grenades. Then I throw the bag to the cops.
(Some cops die in the explosion. The rest is looking for cover.)
Have I arrived? Have I arrived?
Soon. The police gets into their cars and they start driving away. One of the cars comes into the direction of your Stalker. They try to evade you.
I fire everything at the car.
I repeat: They try to evade you.
That doesn't matter at all. I want to fry those (...) cops.
(He hits. The car explodes. Everybody inside it dies. Xiao-shi-Toù has much fun. I am quite sad.)

The end.

Hey wait a minute! Not so fast with that. Or did you really think that that was all?
When we arrived on Outreach, we went to a fast-food restaurant (kind of McOutreach). Because my last character died, I had to make a new one. Xiao-shi-Toù was the gamemaster and he let us meet in this restaurant (Note: Wayne bought a custom car with 2 tons of armor at the beginning of this evening).
I already arrived and was eating. Wayne and the rest just arrived and started eating, too. Then he had to turn on his new Ghettoblaster and started playing Country music (as loud as possible). The manager went to Wayne and said: Turn that thing off or get out. Wayne got out and into his car. Then he redefined the term "Drive-In"...
He drove into this poor building and made an impressive use of his flamer. Phillip also got into his car. Wayne drove out and faced some very angry policemen who had surrounded the restaurant. Because his car didn't have any weapons, Phillip toasted the cops for him (His behaviour remembered me of Star Wars: "Come to the dark side, Luke..."). They also toasted everything that was in their way (cars, buildings, etc. etc.)
That was the story of our 4th TerrorTech adventure.

Here it is! the 5th adventure!
I have to admit that it was a very calm adventure. No exploding buildings, no cars in any houses, no flaming buildings or people.
Pretty boring, huh?
But I decided to start a trial against Wayne, Xiao-shi-Toù, etc. etc.. But somehow the Terror Cowboy got lost so I had to make this adventure the start of some kind of campaign.
But there was one scene I won't forget during this adventure.
The party (Wayne with his new character, a dropship captain (I will refer to him as Wayne because he will probably be a temporary character), Xiao-shi-Toù, Philipp and Boris) are heading for Outreach after a strike against the Clans. During their flight towards the system they hear that the police is investigating in the cases of terror on Outreach and Solaris VII. When they arrive, they recognize that their middle-man has left with their paychecks. Some days later the police of Outreach is closing the spaceport. No ship is allowed to start. Philipp (as 2nd in command after Wang) panics and gives the command to get off the planet. When they arrive at the jump-point, they are forced by the space station above Outreach to get back onto the planet. Philipp panics (again) and says that they are infected by some kind of pest. The Dragoons don't believe them and so the party descends toward the planet. On their flight Philipp wants the Medtechs to inject some kind of pest into a captured Clanner. Unfortunately there weren't any deadly bacterias on board.

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