The second adventure

Before we played again, Wayne promised not to overreact during the adventure.
Ha, ha, ha.
The story was like this: I wanted to introduce a rich industrialist like Chandrasekhar Kurita. He could have been a good start for many adventures.
Yes - "could". Not "can" or "will". That's because he met our 1st Solaris Strikers.
But let me tell you how it started.
There was Dr. Songmyo (For all those out there who speak the Corean language: I needed a name - quick). He was a rich industrialist. One day, he invited the party (We were more or less complete: All who are listed above except for Jing were present.) to him. He lived under a Kurita-restaurant. He had 2 Samurai-guards.
The party had had much fun: During the day, Wayne had drunk himself almost unconscious (like everyday), Boris was on drugs and all of them were armed like Rambo (except for Boris who has only an Auto-pistol).
Dr. Songmyo told them that one of his men saw how some guys climbed into their Dropship. This should have been the start to a good contact. The party went to their Dropship and talked to the guard at the gate. Suddenly he gets shot by a Starfire ER Laser Rifle.
Philipp who was driving the car declares that he drives with full throttle to the Dropship. Xiao-shi-etc. stays also in the car. Wayne and Rudolpho run straight towards the ship while Boris Spanes for cover and goes slower to the ship. Philipp drives past Wayne, who gets the idea to grab the car. As a result, Wayne was hanging on the outside of the car which didn't get slower. The next scenes were full of lasers, bullets and grenades outside and inside the Dropship. Finally, the party got rid of all intruders in the ship. But there weren't any clues.
I supposed the party to go to Dr. Songmyo for a small talk and to find some hints there. I mean, he helped them and was friendly and all this. From my view.
Here's what's happened:
So what happens now?
Just think who is left.
This Dr. Songmyo!
Hey! Maybe he planned this event!
Right! He knew that those guys were here. He's the big boss!
Ummm... I don't know...
Let's go to him. Then we'll interrogate him!
Wait a minute! He gave us the tip, remember?
But how did he know it?
Spies. He said it. And if we should die, why did he warn us?
This warning wasn't very detailed.
I think like Philipp. Don't be too aggresive.
I need that. Let's get him!
NO! Please: NO!
I drive!
No no no! You're drunk!
I know.
But I'm not driving with you!
So what now?
Xiao-shi-Toù, Rudolpho and I get into the car and drive to this doctor. I drive.
Philipp and I take a taxi. Right?
Terror!(laughing like a madman)
Great. Just great. (Wayne drives the car against several other cars and into the wall of the restaurant.)
I get out of the car and go next to the door of the building.
What are you planning?
Watch and learn...
So, you're standing next to the door.
I open the door and throw my 19 Microgrenades into the reastaurant!
Great idea! I throw my... 10 Grenades into the building, too!
AHHH! You stupid...
The story explodes. All guests of the restaurant die. If you allow the question: Why?
Ummmm... Terror?
I run into the building.
We go with him.
(The three terrorists go into the cellar, kill the samurais and go into the office of the doctor. Meanwhile, Philipp and Boris arrive.)
Is Dr. Songmyo in his office?
Yes. He sits behind his table and looks up to you.
I draw my pumpgun, aim at him and say: Get up!
He looks very fightened and gets up.
I shoot at his knee.
So he can't run away.
(He misses.)
Boris and I get into our car and get it onto the street. Then I check the lasers.
The doctor tries to run away in panic.
Shoot! Shoot!
(Wayne shoots and misses again.)
This doctor annoys me. I dray my Blazer and shoot at his knee again.
(He hits. The shot killed the doctor.)
Just great. How are we going to interrogate him now?
(This was the point where I was even too frustrated to send the police. They killed the key figure and I "rewarded" that with a radical stop of the adventure.)
Stupid! Stupid! Stupid! Argh!
Why can't we find a clue?
Don't ask me.
But you are really stupid!
But it's not right like this. Can't we find a clue? Where's the goal of this adventure?
The doctor was killed before he could tell it to you.
Was he so important?
Argh! I said it! I said it!
Hey! How should we know?
He gave us a tip! We would have died without him!
(We all are arguing about what went wrong, why there wasn't a Mech-fight, how this would have ended, etc.)

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