The third adventure

I'm very happy to say that Wang Namakatsi was the gamemaster this time (His speech will be white).
Before this adventure, Wayne and Xiao-shi-Toù decided not to do any kind of "real" terror during the adventure.
They wanted to do some terror before the main part could start.
They planned to let Xiao-shi-Toù's feelings out. Before you start reading the descriptions again, I tell you:
They simply planned to blow up the embassy of House Davion. Not more. They made it. Wayne and Xiao-shi-Toù just "borrowed" a garbage truck (2 men died), loaded it with 2 tons of SRM 6-ammo, covered it with fuel and drove to the embassy. There, they "parked" the truck in the wall of the building. Oh yeah, they also killed the guards.

Do the guards hit?
Hmmm. (makes rolls) Yup. 17 damage points on your right arm.
Can't be.
Look! My arm can get 15 damage points only!
(Wang and I look into the rules)
Hey! Can I get a bionic arm?
(Wang stops reading and concentrates on Wayne)
May I?
Such a thing costs too much.
The unit will pay for the arm.
Are you stupid?
Justin Allard, here I come!
(Wang reads the chapters about bionic arms)
I manage our cash, remember?
Manage? Waste!
I'll show you "waste"!
Hey! A Type V limb has availability "D".
So, what could I get?
(Wang shows him a picture of a Type II limb)
(I hated to do this, but I found the rule that Wayne's arm wasn't amputated after all.)

Well, later, they blew up the embassy of House Kurita, too. Wayne had borrowed a Mech from a Solaris hangar (really borrowed this time), walked to the embassy and destroyed it.

The End.

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