Top Ten lists

(or Top Five lists if I don't have more ideas)

Top Ten books that didn't quite make the best seller list.

10) "Respecting the family" by Katherine Steiner
 9) "How to conquer the Inner Sphere" by Ulrich Kerensky
 8) "How to protect your Clan" by Lincoln Osis
 7) "The benefits of friendly interaction" by Joanna
 6) "Finding friends by the proper use of speech" by Horse
 5) "Defeating an enemy using only your hands" by Justin Allard
 4) "Assasination in 10 easy steps" by Katherine Steiner
 3) "I love Katherine" by Yvonne Steiner-Davion
 2) "I love my sister so much that it hurts" by Victor Steiner-Davion
 1) "Conquering the St. Ives Compact in 46.462.832 easy-to-follow steps" by Sun-Tzu Liao

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