Intro to the VR (Part 1)

Whoa, that was a close one! you think as you enter your home.
You are wandering through your house until you arrive in the living room. The room is a simple cube with each side 10 meters long.
Inside this cube there is a big carpet, some windows, an armchair, a table and a mirror.
It is almost midnight, but although there are no lights inside, the room is bright enough to read something.
But you don't feel like reading now, instead, you just let yourself fall into the armchair.
Finally you notice that you are still wearing the heavy knight's armor. You laugh silently.
How could I forget to change my clothes? But what could I wear instead?
You make a gesture with you right hand, pointing at the mirror while deep in thoughts.
The mirror, man-sized and quite heavy starts to move slowly towards you.
Well, I'll just try the new staff.
You try to reach your amulet with your armored glove, but the small chain leading under your torso armor is too fine for that.
You put off the gloves and throw them onto the table which is about seven meters from you.
Finally you manage to pull the amulet out. The chain is still around your neck and you are holding the amulet in you hand.
For some moments you just stare at it. It is a simple amulet, just a red jewel with golden strings connecting it with the chain.
You touch the jewel and open the book that has appeared in front of you.
You quickly pass through the main menu and finally find the page named "Appearance".
The first five pictures are your normal-life models, humans with skins from this decade.
You ignore those and see the model you've been looking for. You touch the picture and the book disappears.
The armor suddenly becomes much softer, begins to feel like normal clothing.
In the mirror you can see it change its color to a dark green. Seconds later you are standing in front of the mirror in a mage's robe.

Now for the staff. you think as you touch the amulet again.
The book hovers in front of you, although this time it looks different.
Words in strange languages are written all over it, giving it a mysterious look.
You quickly browse through the pages until you find a small picture of a purse.
I think I'll need this more often.
You grab into the book and pull the picture of the purse out of it. Then you attach it to your belt.
After checking your appearance in the mirror, you take the wooden staff out of the purse.
I hope I didn't risk my life for nothing.
You close the book and clap with your hands. A scroll appears between them, written on it are several terms.
You first touch the entry "Voice Debugging". and then the staff.
The room becomes empty and darker. Only you, the staff and the scroll are in the room now.
"Identify." you command.
"Item. 3 Parts. One - Container. Two - Weapon. Three - Personal Scripts" the darkness answers.
"List Container and Personal Scripts. Identify Weapon."
"Container holds Modify Weapon - Spark Tracer"
You know that Modification. It makes the weapon send small sparks whenever it's moving fast enough.
Looks pretty cool, although the effect's not too big.
"Personal Scripts are Object Levitation and Enhanced Sight. The weapon part is unmodified."
So that's why that other mage saw me in that dark dungeon.
You wander through the room, ignoring the staff which is hovering in mid-air for a while.
"List commands." you say after a while.
As a response, animations and words appear around you, each one a way to activate a function of your new staff.
Well, I'll need some training to master this staff. Perhaps another visit to the dungeon?

"Incoming call." the voice in the darkness informs you.
"Finish debugging and answer." you order and instantly you are in the original room.
Then another female voice can be heard.
"Sanjay? It's me, Bayliss."
"Hi Bayliss! What's up?"
"I have developed a new hunter drone, and you could do me a favour by...."
"Oh come on! I've had enough action for one day so I'm NOT gonna test your new toy!"
"Please... We wanted to film your fight to advertise for our Clan. And you are our specialist for dramatic stunts."
You smile. If she's referring to my fast costume changes, she would be right.
"Am I allowed to upload my models first?" you ask although you know the answer.
If you were allowed to upload your models, you could change your appearance on the battlefield as if you were here.
And that would make things much easier. Besides, it looked very cool, especially on film.
"That's why we called you. So I guess that means that you agree?"
"Just gimme the address."
You didn't exactly know why you agreed. You like the Dark Ages scenarios more than the present.
"I'm just sending it. Oh, by the way: your first dress should be the Clan's official one."
Great. Clan's official dress.
"Yeah. O.K. But you owe me one for that."
"Thanks" she says before ending the call.

For some minutes the room is silent. Then, finally, the bodyless voice started to speak again.
"Incoming Container."
"Load and open"
A small green ball appears in front of you. Moments later it shatters to reveal a 3-D view of a wood.
"The Container included an address."
"Open." you say as you approach the mirror.
You touch it's surface. Words appear on it. You select "Hangar"
Your reflection vanishes and you can see through the mirror as if it was a door. In fact it is a door.
You step through the mirror and find yourself in the vehicle bay. As you enter your car, you give a final command:
"Load special model."
"Loaded. The address you opened is availble at exit 3."
You start the engine of your car and steer it towards the tunnel marked with a "3"
Suddenly you step on the brake.
How could I forget that? you think as you exit the car.
With a movement of your hands, the mirror from the living room floats towards you. You summon the book with the menu.
You open a page with the simple headline "Clan".
The only thing on this page is a picture. It shows a man wearing a dark suit, a hat and sunglasses.
It's just too typical. you think as you touch the picture.
Your appearance changes to reflect the picture and you close the book which disappears.
Then you enter your car again and drive into the tunnel.

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