Intro to the VR (Part 4)

Cool, the world just keeps spinning... are your first thoughts after the fall from the dragon's back.
You get up, finding the dragon still facing the other direction, looking for you.
Either the dragon is very tough, very stupid, or... you think as you recover.
Of course! She is controlling it. And the observer's seem to be chatting a lot about my last action.
This means that she has to split her resources to monitor everything. She doesn't have enough time to control her dragon properly!

Although you are just speculating, you hope that you are right and call up the scroll with the Magic Menu.
The big advantage of Mages: Powerful scripts acting as spells.
You take a look at the spreading fire next to the dragon, doing some calculations.
There should be many burning tree parts. It might just work.
You select the entry "Center Gravity" from the list.
A widely available spell, Center Gravity causes small objects to fly into a new gravity center set by the caster.
This spell normally isn't very powerful because normal objects do almost no damage on impact.
Except when the objects are dangerous by themselves. you think and smile as you point the dragon with your index finger.
"Activate" is the only word you whisper. A whisper that is barely audible. But it is enough to trigger the spell.
With amazement you watch as some small branches start moving. Then more branches join them, this time they come out of the fire.
One or two bigger branches come in from another direction, their leaves burning.
Finally the dragon begins to move again. Much too late for anything but witnessing its own doom.

As the dragon disappears in a huge cloud of flames and branches, you turn around and slowly walk towards the castle.
When you reach it, you see Bayliss standing in front of the walls. You notice that her face lacks any friendly expression.
You wander towards her figure, a 19-year old teenager wearing street clothes and a shotgun on her back.
No Clan Officials today? you think amused.
"Well, that was a very cool model. It will be one of your best ones." you lie.
"You're right. I almost got you." she tries to smile, but fails.
Angry that I'm still alive?
You decide to go on the offensive, skipping the nonsens talk.
"So what do you think, Clan Leader? Will there be another attempt to get rid of me?"
Her face tells you all you have to know. She didn't think that I would find it out.
She seems to be lost in thoughts, an obvious sign of incoming chat requests.
"S I L E N C E ! ! !" Bayliss suddenly yells.
After some seconds of total silence (probably including the observer space) another figure appears next to you.
You quickly recognize him as Dancer wearing an Archer model from some Dark Ages scenario.
The model... A sign of loyality or just because it fits his elegant style?
He directly faces you. You don't know what to expect.
"The observer group has chosen that I shall speak for them concerning this matter." he begins formally.
"We expect an explanation of your way of addressing Bayliss and your repoach you made." he continues.
"The little fool doesn't know what..." Bayliss starts but abruptly stops under Dancer's dark stare.
He is talking just to me. you think.
"Bayliss has silently assumed new title of Clan Leader and calls herself Lady Bayliss now.
 I found out about this by checking the current server settings. I suspect she wants to clear our members list
 by arranging accidents so there will be room for more motivated persons." you say loud enough for everybody to hear.
While you were talking, you always kept an eye on Bayliss shotgun. If you were right, then she could try something desperate...
"Bayliss. You are aware that a sneaky power assumption would mean banishment from the Clan." Dancer looks seriously.
Suddenly you notice Bayliss' face expressing amusement.
"Fool." she whispers. "I would have been a good Clan Leader. With me, the Clan could have lived!"
"The Clan already lives. Each member does his part. And besides..." Dancer tells her.
"Oh shut up!" she yells as she draws her shotgun.

You have been waiting for this moment.
Recalling the command list of the staff you shout the words "Levitate Object" and target the shotgun with the staff.
One moment later you quickly pull the staff upwards, causing the shotgun to fly out of Bayliss' hands.
A quick kick from Dancer hit her in her chest, sending her to the ground before she could even react to the loss of her weapon.
For some minutes the silence returns to the forest.
"Bayliss, In the name of the Clan I hereby freeze your Clan Status. You will be listed as a member of the Clan until further notice,
but you won't have any more responsibilities or rights within the Clan." Dancer says slowly.
When he gets no answer, he just says "Now leave."
Without another word, Bayliss stands up and disppeares.
"I guess the investigation will take some time." Dancer says to himself, looking nowhere special.
"Yeah. I guess so." you answer, also looking nowhere.
"It was almost to easy. I mean this last meeting, not your fight..."
"Oh I'm sure we'll see her again."
"Will I see your name on the mebers list next time I look at it?" he asks politely.
You hesitate. Will I stay in the Clan?
Then you face him, smiling. "Why not? But for now, I will take some time designing new special models."
"You have earned it, my friend. Take all the time you want." he says, also smiling.
Then he disappears, leaving you alone with the castle and the burnt forest.
Silently, you get the pull the tracer out of the purse and switch it on.
You follow the signal for some minutes until you think you have found the place.
After some thinking you summon the scroll with the spells again.
This time you select the entry labeled "Door"
This spell was one of the spells you rarely use.
It would open a way through almost any kind of wall allowing the user to skip the search for a proper entry.
To limit the spells power, the designers connected a literal firework of visual and audible effects that would attract everybody's attention.
And the creation of a door usually need a lot of time.

Well, but Dancer said I would have all the time I want.

              The End

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