Hansen Hockey


Rick Hansen, Man in Motion, was the reason for the game,

To raise some needed money, a thousand people came.

Raffle tickets had been sold, the ads were all in place,

Stu and Barry worked real hard, to fill the empty space.


The Heat and Tubes, were on the ice, people in the stands,

The Keystone Kops were in the crowd, shaking patrons hands.

The Lions Cheerleaders also came, to cheer the mighty teams,

Overall was heard the sound, of childrens, cheery screams.


The Pipe Band marched, playing loud, the skirl of pipes distinct,

Echoing from the rafters, of the old New Westminster rink.

Then the game got underway, The Heat would draw first blood.

Mark Forshaw was the goalie, and he was feeling good.


When suddenly it happened, The Tubes had broken through,

They scored a goal to tie it up, but The Heat knew what to do.

They battled back and scored again, to take the lead away,

But The Tubes would not surrender, on this very special day.


A breakaway was next in line, but then the whistles blew,

The Keystone Kops, were in the act, but Darcy Rota knew.

He stopped the play, and gave The Tubes, a shot against The Heat,

But even that was not enough, this team would not be beat.


Just minutes left, the score was tied, when suddenly a shot,

Now the score was four to three, The Heat was really hot.

The Tubes came storming forward, but time was running fast,

And suddenly the buzzer went, the game was in the past.


The Heat had won the trophy, the raffles all were drawn,

The Zamboni man had cleaned the ice, the people all were gone.

But best of all, the money raised, would soon be on display,

Eighteen Thousand Dollars!, was the total sum today.


A special thanks to all involved, we are very glad you came,

To make this day a big success, and watch our hockey game.

Now we owe a great big thank you, to MacDonald and Gillette,

For all the work they volunteered, we are forever in your debt.


PC 664 T.J. Gowdyk 87-01-30


This poem is dedicated to Rick Hansen and his Man in Motion WorldTour.

It is also dedicated to Stu Gillette and Barry MacDonald whoworked so

hard to make the game possible