Chasing The Carrot


It's getting round that time of year, when policemen go insane,

Study hard and write exams, to play the carrot game.

First you have to pass the test, with 75 or better,

Then the games begin to grow, the promotional go getter.


Round table talks are everywhere, as each Sergeant touts his man,

While each candidate goes out and shows, the very best they can.

Acting Corporals do their thing, each has his own good schemes,

To advance along the beaten path, to attaining all his dreams.


But still the chase is heating up, there's lots more still to go,

It feels like it's a turtle race, but it's really not that slow.

What are they all racing for? With still two steps ahead,

Next comes up the interview, which all will face with dread.


There they go with nice pressed pants, heads are almost shaved,

With spit shined shoes and name tags on, and very well behaved.

They must face down several bosses, and give their answers right,

If they can just get past this, their goal should be in sight.


But still they face the kicker, it's Assessment Center fun,

A good mark here will make them, a bad one and they're done.

The ones who have survived this, are put on a short list,

Still the stress continues, with a chance they could be missed.


The cutoff man is worried, will his chance go up in smoke?

Or is he just the victim of, a badly worded joke?

Meanwhile the news is greeted, by the winners with a sigh,

It is sure to cost a fortune, in drinks that they will buy.


What becomes of those defeated, in this years carrot chase,

Cries of "Wait 'till next year", are heard throughout the place.

When the whole thing starts all over, and policemen go insane,

Study hard and write exams, to play the carrot game.


PC 664 T.J. Gowdyk 89-01-15 (57)