Name Games

Names can sometimes tell a lot, of what some people do,
Take the case of Mr. Plummer, I can guess, can't you?
But now our little story, tells a tale you won't believe,
Of five who came together, on a chilly winter's eve.

A woman by the name of Kuntz, met a fellow name of Dick,
She'd long since lost her virtue, an open minded chick.
So when he asked her to his room, she thought it could be fun,
But things went bad quite quickly, she had nowhere left to run.

When Mister Dick was finished, he tossed her in the hall,
So she went down to the lobby, where she made a fateful call.
Soon police began to come, they would quickly have their man,
She quickly told her story, and the boys had made their plan.

So Cox and Kuntz, went up the stairs, accompanied by French,
To charge a Dick with sex assault, get him before the bench.
When he was in custody, it was time for medic's aid,
An ambulance was called, for the transport of this maid

A recap of this story now, involving Kuntz and Dick,
French was next along with Cox, to add more to this trick.
After all was said and done, the ambulance arrived,
With a medic name of Siemans, the story's not contrived.
I guess it was appropriate, with all these names involved,
That Siemans would arrive at last, the mystery now was solved.
You all have heard the stories of, truth is stranger than,
Any lies that can be told, by any living man.
PC 664 T.J. Gowdyk 90-02-17 (73)