TRB Statewide Data and Information Systems Committee (A1D09)
Using Spatial Data, Tools and Technologies to Improve the Delivery of
Transportation Programs
March 23-24 Peer Exchange – Charleston, SC Summary of Follow-up Items 1. All participants are to send copies of presentations and summaries of answers to questions to Jim Hall by April 1, 2002. 2. Jim Hall will prepare the summary of Peer Exchange and send to participants by April 15,2002. The summary will include documentation of all presentations, comments made by invited guests and the follow discussion at the end of the Peer Exchange. All participants are to review and comment by April 22, 2002. Jim will then finalize the document and send out by May 1, 2002. 3. All participants are to prepare a summary of the benefits of using GIS and other spatial tools to improve transportation development and delivery programs. The benefits are to be summarized under headings which represent how the tools have improved processes by making them 1. Faster 2. Cheaper, 3. Better and 4. Result in better communication. These summaries are to be sent to Jim Hall by April 15. He will incorporate them into his Peer Exchange summary report. 4. All participants are to review the “Using Spatial Information Technologies to Improve Project Delivery” May 2-3 agenda included in meeting package and send comments to Tom. 5. Charlie Howard mentioned that he would like to see more coordination between his committee and the Statewide Data Committee on the topic of the influence of information technology on business processes in state DOTs. Anita will follow up with Charlie. 6. It was agreed that the committee should spread the word on the results of this Peer Exchange at any possible forum. Upcoming meetings include: March 26 – SCOP Meeting (Jonette to present results), May 2-3 “Using Spatial Information Technologies to Improve Project Delivery” meeting (Tom, Ron and Ysela present), May 13 – North American Travel Monitoring Exhibition and Conference (NATMEC) – Anita to present results, July 15,16 – Midyear Statewide Planning Committee meetings – Ron to attend? 7. Other issues were brought up and have less defined follow up plans. They are as follows: There is a need for a “cookbook” package which could contain examples of best practices and benefits of GIS in terms of improving transportation development and delivery in transportation agencies. This “body of evidence” could be used by others to present and sell the benefits of GIS and other spatial tools. This could be accomplished by the committee or through an NCHRP Synthesis project Another Peer Exchange to follow up on the benefits discussion was discussed. The follow up peer exchange could be held approximately 6 months from this peer. Another discussion items could be the above described “cookbook”. Examples of benefits may include actual quantifiable benefits or be expressed in terms of added value to the agency. There was discussion of the need for an NCHRP project to investigate how business process reengineering must take place in State DOTs in order to better manage data for decision making using the constantly emerging spatial technology tools. Some of the items brought up by Ysela should be investigated though this mechanism (e.g. inclusion of freight and multimodal considerations, institutional arrangements necessary for success, federal partner involvement, integration of performance measures, data accuracy, and data analysis.) An idea for another Peer was also discussed – Roadway Information Systems – why state DOTs collect what they do and why. It was agreed that this committee is not the only body that has a stake in the topic of GIS and turning data into information for decision making. Others include ASHTO, GIS communities, federal agencies, and others. |