Transportation Data and Information Systems
Mid-year Meeting
Rosen Plaza Hotel, Salon #18
May 12, 2002
Summary of Committee Meeting
Anita Vandervalk, Chair, opened the meeting at 1:00 p.m. and adjourned the meeting at 3:30 p.m. The participant total was 17 (11 members and 6 friends). The agenda and list of participants are attached. This meeting was held prior to the meeting of the North American Travel Monitoring Exhibition and Conference (NATMEC).
There were several handouts provided at the meeting.
Copies of the handouts are available from the
presenters or Kim Hajek, as needed.
The Agenda was adjusted during the meeting.
The minutes of the meeting are as follows:
1. Agenda Item #I, Introductions – Anita Vandervalk
Agenda Item #6 - AASHTO SCOP Data Task Force Activities
Anita provided the participants with a copy of the Status Report
prepared by Jonette Kreideweis on the latest SCOP Data Task Force Activities
Alan discussed the issue of Urban Area boundaries.
There is a need to know how it works and how to make
it work better. Two-thirds
of road changes in urban areas are basically due to boundary shifts, about
one-third is due to new roads.
Barna Juhasz explained that the reason for the urban area boundaries
was because of the federal monies to be used for the roads within the
boundaries. Since, some
roads were partly rural, then urban, then rural again, there was a need
to keep them within an urban boundary.
With ISTEA, this was no longer necessary.
May need to come up with another method for setting
the boundaries.
This may be modified in the next reauthorization.
Two major issues –
Does dropping a federal urban area boundary affect funding for the
states? No.
Use Federal Aid Urban boundary for each states’ own purposes at the
state level. In the case of
states like Michigan, they can keep using the federal aid urban boundaries,
but it is not necessary to require the other states to do so.
However, for HPMS this year, existing urban area boundaries will
be used.
Agenda Item #7, Reports from States - Ron Tweedie – Reported on freight data issues. A report from New York will be up on the NYDOT web-site soon.
Pat Hu
– Oak Ridge Labs – trying to identify alternative routes in case of
emergency evacuations (Louisiana State University is interested in determining
how this can be done.)
Jack Stickel
– Alaska DOT - has a new MPO in Fairbanks.
Functional class will be a specific area of focus for
Alaska DOT. The current highway
inventory program underway will collect GPS centerline coordinates.
Alaska DOT is working with Washington State to get
the data editing phase of the project coordinated.
Alaska DOT joined a pool fund study on the CARS System.
Should have first prototype delivered in June.
Also, a road weather information system was deployed on the DOT web-site.
Kim Hajek
– Texas DOT – Texas is moving forward with the development of the
Trans Texas Corridor with SH130 being the first “leg”.
This requires road inventory data and maps for planning
and design of the corridor.
One of the Transportation Commissioners is looking at ways to reduce
the number of performance measures for the agency.
However, Asset Management will likely be a new measure
included in the future.
A GIS-T workshop was held in Austin for TxDOT Districts and MPOs
and was sponsored by the FHWA Southern Resource Center.
Representing FHWA were Ben Williams and Kirk Fauver.
The workshop was very successful.
A GIS component of the Texas Transportation Plan is also under development.
The Plan is due to the Texas Legislature by January
1, 2003.
TxDOT continues to partner with the Texas Department of Public Safety,
via inter-agency contract, in the development of a Crash Records Information
System (CRIS).
The Statewide Traffic Analysis and Reporting System (STARS) is under
development at TxDOT and a presentation was scheduled at NATMEC on the
STARS Project.
Bill Cloud
– Montana DOT–
A GPS inventory of the on-system roads was completed 3 – 4 years
Now Montana is working to GPS the off-system roads. Weigh-In-Motion programs are also being developed.
Montana is looking at accuracy of Bending plate vs.
Piezo technology. The Piezo
is far outperforming the bending plate technology.
Looking for cheapest way to gather this data.
There will be a report published prior to the end of
this calendar year.
State Truck Activity Reporting System (STARS) – 2.2 million dollars
to install piezo sensors around the state and collect the data for one
year. Vehicle weights
are tracked by time of day.
They are looking at scale avoidance and have seen significant reductions
in violations.
University of Montana is doing this report.
Pavement savings have been noted in millions of dollars
by using this program, estimated at about ¼ million dollars a year.
Congressional earmark money has now made it possible to do the weigh-in-motion
Barna asked if the final report was going to explain how the installation
was done to get the good results?
Bill will talk to the contractors about including this in
the final report.
Gaye F. Liddick
– Pennsylvania Dot -
PennDOT is looking at 2000 Design for weight data.
Heavy Truck Traffic program has them looking at installing
50 AVC sites in the state.
They are also installing WIM sites for 6 overlay and construction
A Traffic Information System is being developed to edit class and
volume data. Includes a module
for field traffic monitoring, and reporting module to create the information
needed for management decisions.
Roemer Alfelor
– FHWA, HIAM-30- On the issue of Asset Management, in December,
representatives from 10 state DOTs will meet and will develop the long
term vision for this issue.
5. Agenda Item #2, TRB Report – Tom Palmerlee A listserve will be set up for committees to handle paper calls.
Several folks are sending emails asking about issues related to the
committees, i.e. statewide data and the committees can decide how to handle.
Alan - On the agenda for the next meeting is discussion of how cross-committee
interaction will occur and data committees can talk to one another.
Want enough liaison members with other committees.
Tom – how can we make TRB deal with cross-cutting issues?
Alan – need to have every committee member identify every other committee
with which they interact.
Tom – data is usually wrapped in the other committees, Environmental
data is within the ENV Committee, for instance.
May need to look at ways to schedule the meetings so that members
can attend other committee meetings.
Tom – Smart Growth Conference Coming up.
Next May – SCOP will meet in Florida Keys.
However the Planning, Environment, Management and Freight Committees
– will meet in Portland, Oregon next summer, perhaps in July.
Agenda Item #4, TRB Division Summit Activities – Agenda Item #4.a:
James Pol – FHWA – ITS Joint Program Office - Workshop to be scheduled.
More information to be forthcoming.
Looking at data quality issues for real-time and strategy-based.
Tom Palmerlee - TRB’s Policy Division, just beginning to look at
who are users of freight data. Agenda Item #4.b:
Anita – Data Committee liaisons –
A1D09 Committee liaisons will attend other committee
meetings at the annual TRB meeting if available and report back to the
A1D09 Committee on status of work by other committees.
Anita commented that the committee liaisons from A1D09 to other committees
are not limited to those in attendance at this meeting.
If others on the A1D09 Committee want to be liaisons,
please contact Anita.
Ron Tweedie – Freight Committee
Ed Christopher – Urban Data Committee
Mark Hallenbeck – Traffic Monitoring Committee
Pat Hu – Safety
Travel Survey Committee (need
a liaison) Anita Vandervalk - Spatial Data
Jack Stickel - Sub-Committee of Spatial Data - Data Integration Committee
Ron Tweedie – Planning Committee for Mid-year Meetings Customers of the A1D09 Data Committee were identified as Vertical liaison types. They are as follows:
Kim Hajek - Performance Measures
Rob Bostrom - Statewide Planning
James Pol, friend – Operations
May add other groups to the “vertical” list, other customers,
Environment, etc. ??
Alan Pisarski – BTS also looking at freight issues. 7. Agenda Item #5, TRB Critical Issues – Develop
Data Committee positions for each issue area.
(Anita and Alan) Alan will try to put a summary together of data
needs for each issue.
Anita led the discussion on each critical issue, including the strengths
and weaknesses in the availability of data to respond to each issue. Critical Issues: Security – In 50s and 60s security was an issue and then we got lax in the 70s and 80s. Now, events of 9/11 have made security a top priority again.
Road Inventory files must be kept up to date with NHS, StrahNet routes,
emergency closings, etc.
Therefore, State DOTs play a major role in providing this type of information
for security of the national and state transportation network.
Ron – We need to know where the redundancies are in the system. After
9/11 ferries were used to carry a lot folks out of the area.
Need to identify multi-modal methods for evacuation,
ferries? Rail?
The Military is talking about developing access to real-time weather,
work-zone type of data.
Jack – Western states and Alaska stress the importance of having
data for a seamless road network for communication purposes.
There is no network available now for communication
Due to time constraints on addressing all other “Critical Issues”,
assignments were given to committee members to write a paragraph on the
critical issues. Of the
fourteen issues identified by the TRB Executive Committee, the A1D09
Committee will comment on the following five Critical Issues: Security,
Safety, Congestion, Aging Infrastructure, Human Resources.
These comments from the A1D09 Committee will be included
in a report from Alan Pisarski on the recommendations of the various data
committees regarding the Critical Issues list.
Anita will let us know the time frames that the paragraphs are due
back to the committee. Kim
- Security,
Safety. Anita -
Congestion Roemer
Alfelor – Aging
Infrastructure Barna –
Human Resources side needs to be looked at.
States need to have ways to collect data and retain
people. Ed Kashuba – National
Issues such as Data quality issues, standards issue, pulling data together
from all states.
8. Agenda Item #8, Committee
Business Meeting – Anita
Next Peer Exchange - A1D09
will probably not have another Peer Exchange for now.
Next Mid-year meeting-
Will probably be in mid-July in Portland to coincide with the meetings
of the Planning, Environment and other committees closely aligned with
Call for Papers for 2003 Annual meeting
- Any ideas? Anita will
set up a sub-committee for calls on these papers, Ron, Kim, Jonette,
Anita and Bill Cloud.
Ron noted that we usually get two sessions and one of those is a
paper session, but if we don’t get papers, we don’t get plans.
A1D09 Strategic
Plan – Nothing to report on this issue.
Committee Rotation – Anita
has requested the addition of the following members: Jim Altenstadter,
Ed Kashuba, James Hall, Jack Stickel, Susan Lapham, Mark Hallenbeck, Tzveta
Dobreva-Martinova, Harshad Desai and Tremain Downey. The following will
be removed as members: Tony Esteve. The paperwork is being processed at
Committee Resumes need to be sent to Anita, if you have not already
provided a resume. There being no
further business, the A1D09 Committee Meeting adjourned at 3:3 p.m.
Follow-Up Items
- Security, Safety.
- Congestion
Roemer Alfelor
– Aging Infrastructure
– Human Resources side needs to be looked at.
States need to have ways to collect data and retain
Ed Kashuba
– National Issues such as Data quality issues, standards issue,
pulling data together from all states.
_________________________________________________________ Attendees List for the A1D09 Committee Mid-Year Meeting, May 12, 2002, Rosen Plaza Hotel, Salon #18, 1:00 p.m. – 3:30 p.m.
Roemer Alfelor – FHWA, HIAM-30
Bill Bannister – BTS
Bill Cloud – Montana DOT
Harshad Desai – Florida DOT
Tony Esteve – FHWA, OHPI
Kim Hajek, Secretary - Texas DOT
Mark Hallenbeck – TRAC
Pat Hu – Oak Ridge National Laboratories
Barna Juhasz – FHWA, HPPI-1
Ed Kashuba – FHWA, HPPI-30
Gaye F. Liddick – Pennsylvania DOT
Tom Palmerlee – TRB
Alan Pisarski – Consultant
James Pol – FHWA ITS Joint Program Office Jack Stickel – Alaska DOT
Ron Tweedie – Consultant
TRB Committee on
Statewide Transportation Data and Information Systems
Peer Exchange Summary Previous Peer
Exchanges: 1. August, 2000
– Performance Measures – Madison, WI 3. July, 2001
– Adding Value with Data Collection Programs – Vail, CO 4. March, 2002
– Using Spatial Data, Tools and Technologies to Improve the Delivery
of Transportation Pogroms – Charleston, SC Future Peer
Exchange Ideas: 1. State Roadway
Information Systems: State of the Practice in Collection, Integration
and Access 2. Data Quality 3. Data Interjurisdictional
Issues 4. Measuring/Evaluating
Data Programs 5. Data Foundations
for Safety Conscious Planning 6. Data Systems
for Integrating Project Selection on the Statewide Transportation Improvement
Programs 7. Data Access in a Security Conscious World ______________________________