The Travelogue

Hi; perhaps you would like to try a couple of these pages below. They only give you a glimpse of that city or area but that might give you an idea of the area or it might bring back some nice memories. We love to travel and hope you do too. Fred and Marian. (15-8-99) I guess this will have to be all on this webpage. I think I filled it . The Badlands had to be reduced slightly to go on, so it will have to be the last. I may have a few more on our personal web page from time to time. Fred

1. Budapest......2. Budapest 2.....3. China 2.....4. Istanbul.....5. London

6. Malay Peninsula.....7. Paris.....8. Prague.....9. Taj Mahal.....10. Venice

11.Vienna.....12Canada(Western).....13.Ireland.....14.Omaha Beach

15. Dresden.....16. Egypt.....17. Bali.....18. China 1.....19. Moscow

20. Dubrovnik ...... 21. Portugal..... 22. Greece ..... 23. Zermatt ..... 24.Oahu

25. Maui ..... 26. Copenhagen (Tivoli) ..... 27. Stonehenge ..... 28. Brighton

29. Cotswolds ..... 30. Cape May NJ ..... 31. Bergen Norway .... 32. Rhayder Wales

33. Little RR of Wales ..... 34. Helefakar Austria ..... 35. Sound of Music

36. Catherine Palace, Russia .... 37. Edinburgh .... 38. Nova Scotia

39. Mt Pilatus, Switzerland .... 40. Bratislava .... 41. Key West 1

42. Key West 2 .... 43. Chamonix, France .... 44. Paris 2 .... 45. Poland

46. Auschwitz .... 47. Munich (Nymphenburg) .... 48 Mt. Rushmore

49. Delhi India .... 50. Badlands

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Last Revised 14 August 99
Copyright © 1999 Fred Smith All rights reserved. (whoopee!)
Click here for our personal web page

Send comments to: Fred