This page is dedicated to all those brave, devoted, and responsible
that we band members looked up to and remember as our leaders-----
The Drum Majors.
1938......Frances Butler
1939......Frances Butler
1940......Frances Butler
1941......Frances Butler
1942......Frances Butler
1943......Frances Butler
1944......Jewel Kay Childers
1945......Jewel Kay Childers
1946......Jewel Kay Childers
1947......Sallye Wray, Jewel Kay Childers
1948......Jerry Lindsey
1949......Jerry Lindsey
1950......Jerry Lindsey
1951......Noelene Thompson
1952......Noelene Thompson
1953......Noelene Thompson
1954......Marilyn Burke
1955......Marilyn Burke
1956......Jerry Anderson
1957......Ilene Burke
1958......Phyllis Shockley
1959......Jerry Marshall
1960......Phyllis Shockley
Hi Drum Major...Patricia Oldham)
Drum Major...Johnny Oldham...
other past Ochoa DMs out there?)
1961......Sue Blocker
1962......Valdon Butler
1963......Valdon Butler
1964......Cathy Gray, Linda Hampton
1965......Cathy Gray
1966......Cathy Gray
1967......Alice Stooksberry
Hi Drum Major...Sheila Goings)
1968......Cesario Fierro
1969......Janet Chisolm
1970......Deborah Hensley
1971......Tommy Cline, Peggy Hedgepeth
1972......Mitch Morris
1973......Mitch Morris, Belinda Cline
1974......Belinda Cline, Vicki Pearce
1975......Cheryl Kemp, Francis Overton
1976......Micky Lason, Padgett Wayland
1977......Beverly Bowden
1978......Kim Miller
1979......Tammy Smith
1980......Tammy Smith
1981......Tammy Smith
1982......Cynthia Moreno
1983......Maria Briones, Nat Willis
1984......Maria Briones, Lucema Lujan
1985......Maria Briones, Veronica Valeriano
1986......Maria Briones, Jim Frank Brewer
1987......Jim Frank Brewer
1988......Jim Frank Brewer
1989......Jim Frank Brewer
1990......Kristi Kelton
1991......Kristi Kelton
1992......Rachel Langston, Raquel Ortalejo
1993......Rachel Langston, Raquel Ortalejo
1994......Irma Navarro
1995......Josephina Ortalejo
1996......Angela Stevens
1997......Angela Stevens
1998......Angela Stevens
This list really materialized quickly. "Thanks"
to all those who have helped.
If anyone can help with the still undecided light blue areas and blanks,
if you spot any mistakes, please email me by clicking below on my name.
Were there ever any Junior Hi Drum Majors besides Pat Oldham in 1960
Sheila Goings in 1967?
If you can help in the completion of this list, please email information
to Jerry Phillips. Thanks!