From: albert granado ( Date: Fri Mar 12 02:40:01 1999
great page
From: Ronda (McCravey) Hallman ( Date: Wed Mar 10 00:55:25 1999
Just to say Hi. Love to hear from anyone class of 93'.
Well, since my sister told me I'd better get on the Jal website. Here I am Hello I'm still in Jal.
From: Linda Waybourn (wilswayb) Date: Fri Mar 5 10:30:21 1999
checking out the web page
Hi to everyone who may remember me. This is just so neat, it brings back all sorts of memories some I had even forgotten!! I recognize a lot of names and a lot I don't, but I guess we're all getting a little older! Ouch!! I'd love to hear from any one, any time> Linda
From: John Anderson (andersonj@nicanor.acu.eduSeeking my classmates) Date: Fri Feb 26 19:57:11 1999
seeking my classmates 1940-1950
Hello to all Jalites. Would like to hear from any or all my classmates, especially Tommy Murray. If you know his address or any others I went to school with, please answer!!
From: Dan Boone Danford ( Date: Tue Feb 23 00:59:23 1999
Hello! Any class of "73" checking in? Be glad to hear from you!
From: Tuffy Carson (IMATT62316 Date: Sat Feb 20 13:33:42 1999
Have been surprised to see no one from the early 40s has written in . Come on you guys Let me know your still out there. I moved to Jal from Seagraves when I was Eight years old,in the third grade. My dad Bun Carson A barber at Jal, Worked for Peck Whitten. I am now at Hobbs and still in business there.
From: DeAlva Blocker ( Date: Tue Feb 16 23:21:50 1999
Search for Rosa Gregory
Would anyone have an address for Bob and Rosa Gregory? Rosa & I taught at Burke Junior High in the 70's. I'm still teaching 7th & 8th graders. Can't quite give up yet.
From: Carl Presley ( Date: Fri Feb 12 22:26:59 1999
Class of '65
Glad to see the Jal has a web page. Hope to hear from some old friends on the net.
From: Karla Ann (Patterson) Monroe ( Date: Mon Feb 1 22:51:51 1999
Hello JAL!!!
Hi Everyone! Danny and Karole Hunt, ( who I've just gotten back in touch with after several years), put me in touch with this site. WOW!! What a treat to see so many names of people I've thought of over the years. It's been almost 19 years since I left Jal...but, Jal has never left my heart!! I look forward to renewing old friendships. What a wonderful page!! Thank you Mr. Phillips for such a great palce to come.
For those who don't remember me. My Daddy had Eddy's Jal Gulf up on the high way!
Does anyone ever hear from Daniel Alexander? And are his parents Burl and June ALexander still in Jal?
Well, I'm off to see who else I can find...;o}
Karla Ann (Patterson) Monroe
From: Karen Yeager Crosby (kcrosby@advparadigm) Date: Fri Jan 29 23:38:58 1999
PLease addme to the list
I am in the DFW area. I just found out about this web site. This is great
From: Sherri Simmons Ewing ( Date: Fri Jan 29 06:14:21 1999
Who's in DFW????
Hey y'all... almost everytime I go to the mall or movie theatre I run into someone I know from the past but never anyone from JHS. Do any of you (other than Brenda Murray and me) live in the area? Wouldn't it be fun to get together for dinner sometime? That is after I get home from Rome... It's great to be able to touch base with all of you. Take care...Sherri
From: Judy Stewart Kionute ( Date: Wed Jan 27 23:58:09 1999
Just thought I would let you know my e-mail has changed.
From: Shirley McDonald Zitterich ( Date: Sun Jan 24 22:22:31 1999
I did not live in Jal long but my grandparents did. I went to visit every summer. I basically thought that the Waybourns were actually my relatives. I went to Jal Elementary in the first grade and a few months when I was in the 9th. I am Mr. & Mrs. T.A. Lightfoot's grandaughter..Shirley (McDonald) Zitterich. My mother went to Jal High and graduated in 1948. She is very interested in this web page. It's cool to know that our little Jal has gone high tech.
From: Rick Trice ( Date: Tue Jan 19 08:38:27 1999
Jal Panther Band
Congratulations to Bill Dyer on his Panther Band page. Some of my best memories are of playing drums in the '67 - '70 Panther Band, and reading Bill's page really gets the old adrenaline running again. I attended a Jal football game in the mid '80's, and was surprised to hear the drum section still playing an old marching cadence that we had written. It would be interesting to see if they're still using it. ON JAL PANTHERS!
From: roger martin ( Date: Fri Jan 15 10:19:14 1999
mikie ratliff
mikie, give me a call or e-mail me..
From: Michial Ratliff ( Date: Wed Jan 13 13:55:53 1999
Getting in touch w/old friends
Hello, Jerry.
I remember living across the street in Jal. I'm Daney Ratliff's younger brother (Mikie). My brother lives in Pioneer, TX while I live in Colorado Springs, CO.
Roxie Swain gave me this address so that I could get in touch. I'll be in Jal w/my dad the weekend of Jan. 30th. Maybe we'll run into each other.
I would have been in the class of '67 in Jal, had my Dad not moved me to Brownwood, TX to play football and graduate from there.
I went a couple of years to Jr. College, then a stint in the Navy, ended up in Vietnam - which was scary, came back and had a radical experience in Jesus. Since then I have been in Christian ministry for 24 years.
I can go on, but I'll chat with you later. Looking forward to seeing some friends there. Let me know if there is anything to the rumor of reunion 2000 of all the Jal grads.
Sincerely, Michial Ratliff
From: Jerry Phillips ( Date: Wed Dec 30 17:01:54 1998
Just Testing......
It's been a long time since anyone has posted a message in this guestbook. I just wanted to make sure everything is still working properly.
From: Peggy Jones (McCravey) ( Date: Fri Nov 13 20:29:12 1998
Just to say HELLO!!
Jerry you did a great job on the website. I have just found the link. I would love to hear from anyone in the Class of '86 '87'or '88.
From: JoBeth (Houdyshell) Massey (68) ( Date: Sun Oct 25 22:13:06 1998
I'm still here!!
Love the web page!! I heard about it from John Brooks. He called from Flordia at 6:30am to tell me about it!! I'm not to far from Jal, Portales, NM. I teach at Dora School and see some of the Jal folk at ballgames occasionally. I would love to hear from all my old buddies from Jal. e-mail: JoBeth Massey 7146 NM 206 Portales, NM 88130
I can't wait until the reunion, but mean time keep in touch.
JoBeth (Houdyshell) Massey class of 68
From: Glenda Brown Moore ( Date: Tue Oct 20 03:23:59 1998
Thank you Jerry and Hi to everyone, and specialy 1950's people and grads.
Thanks Jerry for all your work, no wonder you stay so busy, all you need to do now is write a book, or maybe wait untill after the reunion 2000, hummmm? Looking for anyone from the class of 1955, and teachers. too. have a few address of people from my class but, I would love to here from anyone I know, from Jal. Thanks again Jerry for all your work.........................Glenda (Brown) Moore
From: Comilla Thompson ( Date: Sun Oct 18 20:32:27 1998
Class of 1955
Jerry, you did a great job with this website. Thanks a lot.
From: Suzi Self ( Date: Fri Oct 16 14:22:24 1998
I did not go to Jal, but my husband, Paul Self did and I have heard all about y'all for the last 23 years. Keep us inform through me. Paul is still behind times, as usual. Great site. See you soon. Suzi
From: Charlotte Stewart Wilson ( ) Date: Thu Oct 15 21:34:45 1998
Class of 1964
Would enjoy hearing from any of you guys!
From: Clancy Yarter (clancy@281.comm) Date: Tue Oct 13 17:34:22 1998
Great to know there is still a little town named Jal left. Where are all the 80 grads ? I live in the hill country with my two sons 16 and 17. One is in prep school in south texas the other is playing varsity football for Llano. Wonderfull web site.
From: Judy Stewart Kionute ( Date: Tue Oct 6 23:15:07 1998
Joan my sister gave this to me and decided to see if there was anyone I knew out there. I hope so
From: Donita (Hirrill) Dusek ( Date: Tue Oct 6 02:15:16 1998
Hello from Waco, TX. Just heard about the Panther Web site. I have been searching for an old classmate, Gayle Jenkins (Class of 1966) does anyone know her whereabouts? Look forward to hearing from anyone from the class of '66.
From: Jessica D. Ramirez ( Date: Mon Oct 5 17:26:57 1998
class of '97 and brass kickers
just want to know which of my classmates are keeping in touch. Are there any other remains of Mr. Romer's dictatorship out there? Love this site, thanks Jerry.
From: Melinda Ramirez ( Date: Mon Oct 5 15:38:04 1998
Class of 91' where are you?
Jal is still in the same place, and your parents are more than likely still living here. Just recently found out the address to 'the' page. Hope to here from someone in our class soon.
From: Phyllis (Adams) Venable ( Date: Sat Oct 3 16:50:30 1998
Just a quick Hi!!
Love the web site. Heard about it from Brenda and Revae (Class of 68). Would like to hear from any other class members. Looking forward to the reunion.
From: James A. Pierson ( Date: Fri Oct 2 16:43:28 1998
Like to leave this address: James A. Pierson Box 551 Jal, NM 88252 email:
From: Denise Brown Curry ( Date: Wed Sep 30 15:43:41 1998
Address and Reunion 2000
Sorry, I posted class of 2000 and meant reunion 2000. My address is 614 SW 14th, Seminole, Texas 79360. Beadie's address is 610 Golf Course Rd., Hamlin, Texas 79520. Lance's is also 610 Golf Course Rd. Gail Day Hilliard's address is P.O. Box 244, Bronte, Texas 76933. We would love to hear from any of our classmates and old friends. Does anyone know where Alan Kerby is now? Last we heard, he was in Kansas. Thanks, Denise
From: Denise Brown Curry ( Date: Wed Sep 30 12:38:38 1998
Web site and class of 2000
Ricky & Gina Miller and Johnny Mack and Tanya Owen and Dee Brannin gave me the info and I think it is great. I think the reunion is a great idea, as is this site. Thanks for a job well done.
Denise, Class of 76
From: Derma McGann Class of 82 Date: Tue Sep 29 17:04:37 1998
Grammers just sent me info on the website last night. Haven't had chance to look around here much but really like what I see so far. Please add my address to the Y2K reunion (unfortunately, other than work I only have snail mail for now...). My family and I would love to attend. Would love to hear from anyone from the class of '82. Would especially love to hear from Pat Ross (Class of '83)....we lost touch when I moved to WA and I'd like to know how he is.
My address:
Derma McGann 506 W. 49th Kennewick, WA 99337
From: Jerry Phillips ( Date: Tue Sep 29 13:14:19 1998
Wanted to add my address! Lela Walker gave me the info. and it's great! Linda Meadows Collins 405 Carriage Trail Wylie, TX 75098
From: Jerry Phillips ( Date: Tue Sep 29 13:14:18 1998
Wanted to add my address! Lela Walker gave me the info. and it's great! Linda Meadows Collins 405 Carriage Trail Wylie, TX 75098
From: Julia Skaggs Mitcham ( Date: Sun Sep 27 16:51:06 1998
Great idea .......Thanks!!
So great to find the webpage... many thanks to Kathy Jones Welch for informing me and to Jerry for the creation!! Hmmmm..... how are the graduates of '73 these days?
From: Michael Ely ( Date: Fri Sep 25 17:02:55 1998
what happend to our football team
We have lost our last 4 games the players are good but what happend we use to be we were 3 years ago state champs. but i still have faith in the Jal Panthers.
From: Nil Korittke ( Date: Fri Sep 25 16:59:43 1998
Do you know Pamela Manske?
Hi guys!
Good job, you guys did a great homepage! I like to know, if you have an exchange - student named Pamela Manske (from Germany) in your High! When she is at your at your High, please say "Hello" to her from her best friend Nil! Thanks a lot! Bye, Nil (from Virginia)
From: Brandy Myers ( Date: Fri Sep 25 16:40:52 1998
Just wanted to say "Hi"
I love the web site. Great job. Now I just have to get my parents, Kelly and Jo Ann, hooked up to the internet, they would love it.
From: roger martin 67 ( Date: Fri Sep 18 10:08:45 1998
where are they and their addresses, phone numbers
looking for donnie dennis, roger mccasland. mikie ratliff, and raymond hollingsworth-all from the class of 67. any idea where they are? thanks for your help..rm
From: Jenni Bagaus (Jennifer Blocker) ( Date: Wed Sep 9 18:42:06 1998
'Been keeping up on the town thru the "Record," but it's fun to have more direct contact. Gina Brewer's article in the 9/3 edition was touching and very identifiable - probably for everybody! :-) Sister Sue (Class of '62?) is a neighbor, as well as parents, John & Betty Blocker. It's nice to have a touch of home in SD. Sister Judi (Class of 64?) is in Colorado. She & husband Bruce are waiting for 2nd grandson on Halloween. Any news on members of early 70's classes? Why did the school lose so many teachers this year, including the Ferguson's of . . .25-28 years?
From: Kathy Jones Welch ( Date: Thu Aug 20 17:19:01 1998
even though my parents still live in Jal i just found out about this website from a newsletter that they get for el paso retirees. this is a great idea!
From: Rex Gillit ( Date: Mon Aug 17 22:25:36 1998
Great job!
Thanks for a marvelous site. I can already tell I'll spend way too much time here!
Rex Gillit, '77 (of the Houston Gillits)
From: Pat Branin Burrows ( Date: Sun Aug 2 00:34:28 1998
Hi, My brother Dee, told me too. Linda helped. If you will write me it would be good, if I remember you it will probably be because I took my Ginkgo Biloba, :) Guess which class I'm from.
From: Linda Branin Youngblood ( Date: Sun Aug 2 00:25:25 1998
Hi! My brother, Dee, just showed me how to contact you. This is a neat idea. If anyone remembers me, I would be thrilled to hear from you.
From: DAVE MCFADDEN (VICKI SHORT'S BROTHER) Date: Thu Jul 30 11:50:22 1998
From: Kathy McNeese ( Date: Sat Jul 18 21:57:03 1998
Checkin' In
Carolyn, thanks for sending me the Jal Website address. It is incredible. I live in Austin now. Don't get a chance to come to Jal except during the holidays, but will put a note on my calendar for the 2000 reunion. Sounds like fun!
From: BRIAN HOBSON Date: Sat Jul 11 08:18:38 1998
From: John (aka Johnny) Brooks ( Date: Thu Jul 9 23:57:21 1998
Hello, and congrats on the Great Website!!
Who'd a thunk it? This was some of the best news I've ever gotten. Since my Father passed, I thought I had probably lost touch with Jal for good. It's great to sign on and see a bunch of names of people you know right off the bat. It makes Palm City, Florida and Jal feel a lot closer.
I'd love to hear from any of you my age. Any that have any long term memory left, that is. It's hard to believe our gang graduated 30 years ago.
From: Danny Terrell ( Date: Wed Jul 1 17:49:40 1998
Where is...?
Has anyone seen Brian Norwood recently? Where does he live now, and does he know about our little corner here? Brian has become a well known southwestern artist and his work is very well respected.
From: BRIAN AND DARLENE HOBSON & GIRLS (WIDTH@JUNO.COM) Date: Sun Jun 28 16:38:24 1998
From: Carolyn Langston Stockton ( Date: Sat Jun 27 07:53:31 1998
Vernon Huntington's passing...
Hi Jerry,
Just got word today that Vernon Huntington died. Don't know any details but thought you'd want to know.
From: Ron Butler ( Date: Fri Jun 26 12:43:19 1998
Just had a wornderful weekend with five of my good frinds from Jal. Mike Kohlman got the show started with a call to John Sparling. John lives in Lubbock but has a ranch in Post, Texas. Pat Jackson (Vail, Co.) Mike Kohlman, Bobby Dyer, Ted Sparling, John Sparling, and I, Ron Butler all met at the ranch thur. afternoon and spent the rest of the day and well into the night talking about Jal and all the wornderful times we had groing up there. What a great weekend. Ron
From: Brenda McMahan Stephens ( Date: Wed Jun 3 11:43:56 1998
Just wanted to say thanks to Jerry for all the hard work he has done on the website. I think it is great and can't tell you how much I have enjoyed it. Gina and Denny Brewer told me about it back in November, but didn't get the address until sometime in February. Roxie had it and passed it on to me. She's not on the internet yet, but I keep her up-to-date and we have a ball rehashing everything!
From: Aubrey Hobson ( Date: Wed Jun 3 09:02:28 1998
Just thought I'd leave an address Aubrey Hobson Drawer 370 Jal, N M 88252
From: David G. Stevens (dstevens@COREMKTG.COM) Date: Tue May 26 01:30:47 1998
Just passing through
I didn't graduate from Jal High but still remember a lot of people from there. If anyone remembers me, send an email....would love to hear from you.....some of the folks I remember right off the top of my head (and these are maiden names for the ladies) are: Steve Meadows Barbara White Cheri Hardaway Sheila Crenshaw Darrell Bailey
If I didn't list your name, please don't be offended. Memory goes with age....drop me an email.....hope to hear from you soon!
From: Bob Babnick Sr. ( Date: Sun May 17 01:42:14 1998
Logging In
Just found out about the Jal web site. I think it's great. Busy here in El Paso, but I do get into Jal once in a while. Linda and I miss Jal. Let us hear from you all!
From: Karen Bays ( Date: Sat May 2 22:55:40 1998
1978-79 REUNION?
Has anyone heard if there is going to be a 1978 or 1979 20 year reunion?
From: Jerry Phillips ( Date: Tue Apr 28 22:16:12 1998
GUESTBOOK STORAGE PAGE for old messages....
Due to the fact that this guestbook was "too full" of old messages and was beginning to be very slow in loading, I have removed all the previous messages. They are NOT lost in cyberspace, however. I have placed them on a special storage page. To access them, go to the table of contents, scroll down to the main GUESTBOOK listing, and click on the words, GUESTBOOK STORAGE PAGE. Now we can start 'fresh' and 'faster'.
Thanks, Jerry
From: Leslie Betty Host/Computer: Date: Sat Apr 25 23:21:33 1998
Connectimg with old friends
Laurie Wiggington, I live in Las Cruces, NM and work for Sonic Drive Ins. Mom and Dad live in Ruidoso. I have two children, Krystal and Clay. Next year they will both go to Mayfield High School. It was so nice to know someone was wondering about me.
From: Lynn Knight ( Host/Computer: Date: Sat Apr 25 14:03:49 1998
Jack Huff
Linda and I have been trying to find Jack Huff for quite a few years now. Does anyone have any ideas?
From: Nelda Wood McConnell ( Host/Computer: Date: Tue Apr 21 15:10:39 1998
Yesteryear Sport's Stars
i just read gary's sport's update where he mentions a couple of wonderful athletic feats. how about those two track stars of the mid 60's? remember jimmy jones and henry norton? they were amazing!
From: George Swain ( Host/Computer: Date: Mon Apr 20 23:42:26 1998
Barcus Stevens
Recently Johnny Singletary called and we visited for some time. He wants to find out how we may reach Barcus Stevens. If anyone knows his whereabouts or phone number, please let us know. This page is great! Keep up the good work. George and Carolynn
From: Keith Fine ( Host/Computer: Date: Mon Apr 20 11:25:36 1998
Joe Barnett
Gary, Joe's address:
2009 Sierra Ave. Aztec, NM 87410 (505)-334-2488
From: Gary Loudermilk ( Host/Computer: Date: Sat Apr 18 23:47:42 1998
Where are these guys?
Does anyone know the whereabouts of Joe Barnett or Vic Gaskin?
Thanks, Gary Loudermilk
From: Vicki (McFadden) Short ( Host/Computer: Date: Tue Apr 14 22:08:15 1998
Old Friends
I have been trying to reach Barbara (Harris) Jones - Class of 1975. If anyone has her address, please let me know.
From: Keith Fine ( Host/Computer: Date: Tue Apr 14 00:18:15 1998
HEY....You Done Good!!!
We live in Flora Vista, NM, a flourishing metropolis, nestled in the middle of the metroplex of Aztec, Bloomfield, and Farmington---and we love it...If anyone knows how to get a hold of my brother Mike, please let me know. He still owes me five gallons of gas and a box of 22 shells. I also would like to know the whereabouts of Jimmy Bryant (gradyourut of '66). I think I may still owe him five gallons of gas and a box of 22 shells. If you know where both of these guys are, please have Mike just send the stuff to Jimmy. Good to see so many familiar names....
From: James Crenshaw ( Host/Computer: Date: Mon Apr 13 17:13:14 1998
Roger Martin
Wow I thought he fell in that sink hole in Wink and died....!!!!! you ole scudders..can visit me at just now starting page..should be ready in couple weeks.. Jim ps thanks horn tooter!
From: James Johnson ( Host/Computer: Date: Sun Apr 12 18:06:31 1998
Great Job!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Wow!! My sister, Ginny told me about the site and I just looked at it! Suddenly I am where I always wanted to be--17 years old but with all the wisdom? of being 60!! I didn't visit Jal much after I graduated (1956) until the 1996 reunion and this is a great way to find out about people. Thanks, Jerry. I always knew you would do great things!! Anyway, I live in Kerrville, Tx. and love it. Would love to hear from all. James
From: Nelda ( Host/Computer: Date: Tue Apr 7 14:36:06 1998
Invitational Education Conference
Hey! If you are an educator, you will not want to miss the Invitational Education Conference! I have attended one of these, and our school has also had Dr. Kate (Null) Asbill for staff development. She is great! She is one of our Jalites who does excellent presentations. The conference is April 16-18 in Carlsbad.
From: Revae ( Host/Computer: Date: Sun Apr 5 13:13:59 1998
Yo, everybody.....
This web thing has been so much fun. I am impressed with the way the address book has grown! I am still such a novice "doin" this computer thing, but, I have had sooooooo much fun. Thanks to Clay for relaying the message on Wanda Gaskin. There's a lot of other people that I would like to know about. Does anybody know where Phyllis Adams may be? She graduated in'68. We were buddies, but I have not heard from her in probably 20 years.
From: Jess Phillips ( Host/Computer: Date: Sat Apr 4 21:41:15 1998
Just checkin' in
keep up the good work,Jerry. You'all made the headlines , you can't do any better than that. I hope I'm not overdoing this Guestbook thing, but I just wanted to get my 2 cents in.
Keep in touch,
From: Andy Aldridge ( Host/Computer: Date: Fri Apr 3 18:38:18 1998
Touching the Past
Martin just sent me the address for the homepage, and this is by far the closest to home and Jal that I've been since graduating in 1970. After 22+ years in the Air Force it became very easy to lose track of old friends and acquaintances. My family and I have been living in Cheyenne, Wyoming since July '94 and would certainly enjoy hearing from anyone with memories to share. I'm afraid I don't know (remember is probably more accuracte)many of the people involved in establishing this, but you have no idea how much it means to be able to go online and touch the past. GREAT WORK!!!
From: Dana Martin (Johson) Host/Computer: Date: Fri Apr 3 08:59:54 1998
Midland Reporter Telegram
Hi!!!! I now live in Midland, Texas, working for an independent oil and gas producer (J.L. Davis). Saw the article in the paper and thought it was great!!!
From: Gina Brewer ( Host/Computer: Date: Wed Apr 1 14:17:22 1998
Midland Reporter Telegram Article
I know Jerry is putting the MRT article on the website so everyone can read it, but I wanted to let everyone know the article made the front page on March 31st with a really large picture. It was really impressive - something we should all be proud of. I'm hoping it will generate even more activity on the website as word gets out to other alumni from around the Midland area.
From: Jess Phillips ( Host/Computer: Date: Tue Mar 31 22:59:27 1998
Understanding & greatfulness
I am not an exstudent or graduate of JHS , however I lived in & worked in JAL for a few years in the fields. Jerry Phillips is my nephew & I have never been more proud & more happy than when I found him & his wife Anita on the Net. To see what he has done with the JAL Website is amazing. We had been out of touch for a long time, as many familys are, & all of a sudden he was there. The feeling was old times, younger times & family love not forgotten, just put aside by the passage of time. I'm not blowing anybody's horn, but I'm glad he is among us ! !
Uncle Junior
From: Martin Aldridge ( Host/Computer: Date: Tue Mar 31 09:20:02 1998
Front Page Midland Paper
It was quite a surprise this morning to have Jal on the front page of the Midland paper. Also, to find out about this web page was really neat. Janice (Lord) and I have been in Midland since 73. Have 2 wonderful girls. I will have to send this page to the Aldirdge boys, all expect Ray has an email address. Jerry you have done a good job, keep it up. Martin
From: roger martin ( Host/Computer: Date: Thu Mar 26 12:51:29 1998
hola amigos from jal. i finally got it right. vida dyer gave me the address last week and it took me this long to finally connect. great idea. my compliments to the founders.. i now live in wink, texas, where along with my wife charlotte, we teach school. kim is a jr. at mcmurry in abilene and tim is a jr. at wink high. gary lives in lewisville and teaches 9th grade history, mike is still in abilene in the mud business and building fences, jana is in saudia arabia with her family working for saudia-nalco. my mom is still in gainesville.....does anyone know where ken corder (1967) is located? anyway this is a great idea. adios
From: Alan Speed ( Host/Computer: Date: Sun Mar 22 23:06:04 1998
To anyone who is coming to the reunion.
I am the Pastor of Calvary Baptist Church here in Jal. Our youth would like to babysit your children while you are here for the reunion. The reunion will be June 19-20. Our youth will plan two full days of fun for your children as well as meals and snacks. If you would like further information contact me at the church...(505) 395-2808 or write Calvary Baptist Church Box 1150, Jal N.M. 88252 or contact Carla (Frymire) Wilson. This will be a special fund raiser for our youth for mission trips this summer.
From: Mitch Morris ( Host/Computer: Date: Thu Mar 19 15:55:01 1998
Laurie Wigington
Hi, Gayla Morris is my sister. She is now Gayla Abel and she lives in Jal. She has 2 boys, Kelsy and Cody. Kelsy is a senior at JHS. It is special for our family to have a second generation to graduate from JHS.
From: claydean music elkins ( Host/Computer: Date: Mon Mar 9 10:49:03 1998
library now on internet
the library is now on internet and available for use of everyone. Just another "good" thing happening in Jal. In response to the individual checking on Wanda Gaskin, she lives in Ruidoso, NM. Jerry, contact Hal Betty for dates concerning the Rex and Drive-In Theaters. Looking forward to hearing from everyone.
From: Jimmy Patterson ( Host/Computer: Date: Tue Mar 3 11:50:53 1998
Continuation of prevsiou message-- Thoughts/Recollections
when I found out you guys had such a popular page, I was intrigued. Obviously, though, ya'll are an example of what makes the Internet work at its optimum level. Thanks in advance to everyone who can respond. I look forward to you sharing your thoughts with me. Jimmy Patterson =================================================== Jimmy Patterson Online Content Manager Midland Reporter-Telegram/Basinlink Midland, Texas email: Midland Reporter-Telegram@Home:'s Family Man: Column Archives: ===================================================
From: Jimmy Patterson ( Host/Computer: Date: Tue Mar 3 11:49:24 1998
Thoughts and Experiences on the Jal Panther Homepage
I am a writer with the Midland (Texas) Reporter Telegram who came across the Jal page from a coworker (Linda Anderson). I am intrigued by the network you guys have established and was hoping for your help. I would be interested in collecting your thoughts and publishing selected responses regarding the usefulness of the page. If you can email me ( and tell me what you like most about the Jal page, some of your experiences, how valuable it is to you to keep up with your former classmates or others who are from Jal, and any other story you would like to relate for a story on how such a small town could have such a successful networking of Jal natives and former students. Personally, it took me only a couple of minutes to go from the west side of town to the south side of town the last time I drove through; with that recollection in mind, when I found out you guys had such a popular page, I was
From: Judy Forman Miller ( Host/Computer: Date: Sun Feb 22 15:25:54 1998
I just had a phone call from a friend from the past. What a great surprise. Leah Franklin Brothers. She gave me the URL for this website and here I am.
I left Jal in 1964 and moved to the big city of Monahans. Have now lived in Arlington since 1969 but still consider Jal a VERY special part of my past.
I have maintained contact with many good Jal folks. As a matter of fact, just returned from a weekend of skiing with Janet Hicks Ellis and her husband and Randy and Susan Brookings. We had a ball and reminisced about some great Jal folks and good times in the sandhills.
Randy and Susan are online: I am going to write Susan today and have her check this out! Also will write my brother Bobby and get him to tune in.
Thanks for all the hard work in putting this together. Made my day!
From: Laurie Wigington Horner ( Host/Computer: Date: Tue Feb 17 21:37:00 1998
Wanted! Past friends!
I lived in Jal during 1957-1968. I left there when I was 12. I miss my former friends and classmates. If anyone knows where these people are please let me know. Nola Ann Boyd, Sherrie Simmons, Belinda Mobbs, Gayle Jones, Gayla Morris, Francis Overton, Karen Shriver, Tammy Hobbs, Lynn Franklin and her sister Leah, Leslie Betty, Pam Lee, Becky Reah, Brenda Murray, Cindy Green, David Lentz, Billy Cox, Dwight Watkins, Kim Preslar, Vicky and Becky Taff, and any of the Collins boys. I could go on and on but I want. If anyone has any info on any of these could you please let me know. My time in Jal was the best years of my childhood. My mom was Rose Wigington and she taught Kindergarten at the FBC, at our home, and also taught Home Ec at the high school for Mrs. Wright on semester. Tell the Miles' hello, too. (Patsy, Janet, and Vicky)
From: Nelda Wood (McConnell) ( Host/Computer: Date: Wed Feb 11 23:29:50 1998
nicole just showed me how to go around "the block" :)
my internet access is at school; i have been unable to use the guestbook, because it was blocked. but like i am! :) happy valentine's day. more to come in the future (since I know how to now "break the block"
From: Revae Pool ( Host/Computer: Date: Wed Feb 4 22:05:15 1998
Missing Person
I hope that I am doing this right. Jan Patterson Holsey is trying to locate Wanda Gaskin. It has been years since I've known about Wanda. I, too, would like to know Wanda's whereabouts. If anyone knows, please contact me.
I hope that you all had a wonderful holiday. We certainly had ours.
Thanks to Jerry for this great Web page. I hope to see everyone at the next reunion.
From: Jim Cox ( Host/Computer: Date: Mon Dec 29 21:53:58 1997
Thanks everybody.
I would like to take this opportunity to give a big thank you to Jerry Phillips and Gary Loudermilk. About 2 or 3 years ago some how Gary Loudermilk got my address here in Wichita and called me. I hadn't talked or seen him in 37 years but remember him avidly. Through him I have hooked up with Jerry Phillips and several other of my 6th grade classmates. I am absolutly having a ball digging up old friends from back in 1959. I left Jal then, yet these people were nice enough to care and look me up. Even though I didn't graduate from JHS I am a Jalite. Thanks everybody, and Jerry keep up the good work. It is appreciated. I had one older brother, Glendel, and two older sisters that attended JHS. Their names were Elizabeth and Barbara. Jim Cox 504 S. Firefly Wichita, KS 67235 316-729-446
From: Bert Madera ( Host/Computer: Date: Sun Dec 28 11:12:42 1997
family update
Hello First time at this, hope it works. Mom and Dad Madera are doing fine at the ripe age of 85 this year. Patricia and I have 10 grandkids with two more expected in the spring. Ther are 11 of us now living out here on the ranch and we are enjoying it all the time. Dusty and David are living in Jal both driving trucks for the oil field and bringing up another generation of jal panthers . Laura and Debby each have children here on the ranch ,but they are being homeschooled. We had 4 inches of snow on Christmas day 1997 First white Christmas we remember if ther were others please refresh our minds and give dates if possible. hope to get back down here to Debby's some Sunday evening to talk in the chat room . lets all keep adding information . Happy New Year good luck for 1998 Bert
From: Jerry Phillips ( Host/Computer: Date: Wed Dec 24 17:46:03 1997
Problems Viewing Website in AOL
I just looked at the address book through my AOL browser and found that two spots appear so messed up you can't read them....'Teddy Crawford' and 'Linda Hampton Knight'. Sorry about this. I will fix them as soon as I can figure out how to do it. They look fine in 'Netscape''s the AOL browser that has deformed them. You AOL users, please inform me when you come across any problems with the website, as I'm not always aware of the AOL problems. I strongly recommend that AOL users get another browswer, either Netscape or Microsoft. You'll be amazed at how much better the world (and the website) looks. Jerry
From: Jerry Phillips ( Host/Computer: Date: Tue Dec 23 22:34:42 1997
Feel Free to Use This Thing
Please feel free to use this guestbook and the other message board for whatever you want, and as often as you want. That's what they're here for.
From: Susan Artherholt Lish ( Host/Computer: Date: Tue Dec 23 17:35:35 1997
Merry Christmas to all!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from Lester & Rudell Artherholt & Art & Susan Lish
From: Gina Brewer ( Host/Computer: Date: Thu Dec 18 09:20:37 1997
Great job!
Just wanted to say thanks to Jerry Phillips for all the creative work he has done on the website. This has given all of us a wonderful opportunity to contact long-lost friends and catch up on each others' lives. I hope all of you, who are using the website, will pass the address along to other alumni so we can continue to communicate as only the internet will allow.
Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year to all of you!
From: Sid Starnes ( Host/Computer: Date: Wed Dec 17 22:16:02 1997
Class of 48' and/or anything near that year.
The triva comes flying back to me living way up here in New Hampshire, i.e., Morris mentioned closing of pool hall and Jerry mentioned the state line momument. One other great thing I am reviewing and coping the "Annual" for 1948, Thanks to Jerry Phillips. Just info, no questions from me at this time. Adios......
From: Jerry Phillips ( Host/Computer: Date: Wed Dec 17 20:07:50 1997
Testing the Guestbook
This guestbook is a free service from Tripod. Thanks, Tripod. I thought we Jalites could use it as sort of a Post-It-Yourself Bulletin Board. Unlike our other bulletin board, where you have to email the information to me and I have to post you can "do it yourself", bounce questions and ideas off one another, and have a great time while finding out more and more about the little corner of New Mexico known as Jal and all the wonderful people who have shared the J.H.S. experience. Enjoy. Jerry Phillips